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Posts posted by cwnorman

  1. What's the over/under on how long Petrino stays at Are-Kansas (as my buddy Les is prone to say) before he accepts the Michigan job?


    HA...apparently Petrino's wife was looking at houses in Ann Arbor during the press conference.


    Sooie...glad ya'll got a coach and hoping he stays. SEC W could become even more exciting if he's the offensive coach people say and not someone who just inherited a loaded squad in L'ville.


    I know one thing for sure, he's got his work cut out for him on the recruiting trail with all the job hopping, pretty good ammo. None the less, I'm not sure if the Hogs could have done any better.

  2. http://www.arkansasnews.com/archive/2007/1...ews/344292.html


    Grobe is new Razorback coach

    Wednesday, Dec 5, 2007


    By Harry King

    Arkansas News Bureau

    FAYETTEVILLE - Wake Forest coach Jim Grobe is going to be the next football coach at the University of Arkansas and is likely to be introduced on Thursday.


    The board of the Razorback Foundation met briefly via conference call Wednesday evening and approved a salary supplement for Grobe, who just completed his seventh season at Wake Forest.


    There is a strong likelihood that Grobe will be paid more than former coach Houston Nutt, but details of the salary package were not immediately available.


    A coach's salary from state funds is limited so the Foundation must agree to guarantee any other money that is promised a coach.


    For instance, former Razorback coach Houston Nutt received a state salary of $330,000, but his total package was about $1.5 million. Among other things, Nutt was guaranteed $600,000 for radio-TV and $250,000 for speaking engagements.


    The foundation would not be asked to approve a specific compensation package unless Grobe had agreed to the deal. The process was evident on Monday night, when the board was supposed to meet to approve money for Clemson coach Tommy Bowden. The meeting was postponed twice and then canceled when Bowden agreed to a contract extension at Clemson.


    At one point, it appeared the foundation would bump Bowden's salary so he could personally take care of a buyout at Clemson. The same process could be in play with Grobe, who reportedly has a buyout of $2 million.,


    It is believed that Arkansas athletic director Jeff Long zeroed in on Bowden and Grobe as his top two choices in the days after Nutt resigned. People very interested in the search were told that Long would hire the best head coach available.


    Grobe has a 45-39 record at Wake Forest, including an 11-3 Orange Bowl team last year and 8-4 team this year headed for the Meineke Bowl. Following last year, he signed an extension through 2016 for what was believed to be about $1.1 million per year.


    Scout.com is saying grobe turned down the offer this morning.



  3. Brennan is not going to be a great NFL quarterback.


    But Tebow is not going to be an NFL quarterback. Period.


    I don't see either QB being anything in the NFL. But Tebow has trouble hitting anyone further than 5 yards away, and plays as a glorified fullback in that offense.


    Tebow will not be a NFL QB, but someone will more than likely give him a shot. I'd be willing to bet he will be playing on Sundays in a couple of years at some position. None the less, he threw for over 3000 yards, 29 TD's and 6 int's this season, so he can definitely hit the broad side of a barn.


    Dorsey won the Lombardi last night.

  4. It's only ridiculous because he's been injured for most of the year, and has been a non factor for much of the last few games.


    LSU's defense has been in the top three all year and he really wasn't injured until that 9th week vs Aub. His drawing two and three people allowed the the rest of the defense to do what it did. I understand your point about the last few games and hope he's able to go 100% on Jan 7th.

  5. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.


    You will probably find some people who would argue that with you. BTW...he was routinely double and triple teamed until the ninth game of the season when an illegal chop block took him out of the game. He should be close to 100% for the champ game so he and Laurenitis may be able to settle it on the field.


    Something tells me the NFL won't find it rediculous come draft day.

  6. Have all of the national awards been handed out?

    No, the Nagurski award Monday night sort of kicks off the week. I know Dorsey will be in Houston tonight for the Lombardi Award ceremony and then I believe thurs is the big ESPN college football awards show where they give out most of them. Heisman trophy is Sat, i think?


    Sooie....Ark needs to pull the trigger soon!

  7. Which part was I stretching about Tempe? Oh, I get it. No, I wasn't arguing a home-field bias on that one (if anything, OSU had come to think of Tempe as their home away from home--which made last year all that much more diappointing).


    I don't know what to expect from the game. I think OSU's team is truthfully a year away from being championship-quality (assuming most everybody comes back). That said, in a year when everybody is flawed, I think they've got a shot. If LSU jumps out to a quick lead early then I think they're in trouble, but if they keep their cool and don't beat themselves (ie, they don't abandon the running game to play catch-up), I think they've got a much better shot than most people are giving them credit for.


    And don't underestimate pride as a motivating factor. Last year's game was difficult to swallow. Most of the guys who started in that game are long gone, but this team has been living with the fallout from that game all year. It clearly altered the national perception of not only the program but the whole damned conference. I'm pretty sure this team would love nothing more than to serve up a big helping of STFU. If that doesn't get them fired up, I don't know what will.


    I think it will be a great game and a close one. Agreed on pride playing a factor. This senior class has been playing for this opportunity for 3 years, not to mention their whole lives. They've set just about every record there is at LSU for wins, losses, etc for a class. They've done everything but win a National Championship, which LSU won in 2003, the year before this class became LSU tigers. Matt Flynn stayed at LSU for 3 years as a backup to Jamarcus Russlle instead of transferring, for a shot to play for a national championship his senior year. Glen Dorsey gave up first round millions for a shot to play for a national championship his senior year. Early Doucet would have probably gone in the 2nd round, but he came back for his senior year and a shot at the national championship. All three of these guys have missed games this year and been banged up, and I really hope they get to play this last game at 100%.


    I think its going to be an exciting game!

  8. Actually, I'm relieved. I never understood why everyone thought he would be the best coach that UofM could get. Sure, he has the well known ties to Bo and the school, but is he really the best head coach in the country? I don't know who will be the next coach, but I can imagine that a lot of people were scratching their heads back in 68 when Bo replaced Bump.




    Miles has a history of shooting off at the mouth and causing controversies. For example, I recall earlier this year (perhaps it was during the summer) where he made some statements about Alabama and Saban. I don't recall the exact quote but seem to recall that Miles used some vulgar language. That's not the type of image I want from the coach of my alma mater.


    As for the leak of the information, I have not read or heard anything that credibly identifies who was Herbstreit's and ESPN's source. However, Miles's impatience is what caused the whole circus. Michigan did not have permission to talk to Miles until after the SEC championship game. Perhaps Herbstreit got the tip from some third-party with a (sweater?)vested interest in creating some chaos.




    I was about to say something about Les's intelligence, but then I realized I would be hoisted on my own petard, seeing as we are both proud alums of the U of M.




    According to one source, Bill Martin was at Ocean Reef in Key Largo. Frankly, with the weather in Michigan being what it was this past weekend, I don't blame him one bit.


    I don't doubt that UM will get a very good if not great head coach, and wish ya'll the best of luck to getting back to where you belong. Just a little surprised at the back lash after Miles decided to stay. Les Miles is not the best football coach in the country, but he's done a hell of a job at LSU and I really don't know anyone else I want right now. The Job he did during 2005 went alog way with me.


    The statement concerning Saban and Bama was at the huge Tiger Recruiting Bash. Miles had been living in Sabans shadows since day one, and now LSU fans were in an uproar of Saban coming back to Bama. Saban made a coon ass joke that he thought was off the record and had been using some pretty back handed recruiting methods in LSU to try to steal some commitments. Miles was getting the fans fired up and said i think we have us a real rivalry with the F'in Crimson Tide. He also made a PC comment about the strength of the Pac 10 that was his opinion and shared by some others, I'm not sure if this constitutes a history.


    Honestly, I seemed to remember some pretty firey tirades from one of UM's favorite coaches concerning a certain rivalry?


    Maybe the leak was from Darth Vest? All I know is that LSU didn't leak anything about a deal with michigan the mornign of the SEC Champ. Game, and i'm pretty sure there weren't a whole lot of folks involved in this discussion. I'm also pretty sure herbstreit didn't just pull that off a UM message board.


    None the Less, no pun intended, I wish Michigan the best of luck in it's Coaching search

  9. I would dearly love to make it down to New Orleans (my wife and I spent our honeymoon at the Hotel St. Marie on Toulouse St), but I don't think a trip is in the cards right now. (let alone trying to get tickets) OSU fans travel well, so they should have no problem bringing a crowd. (unless people are still gun-shy after shelling out the dough last year and having the football team forget to show up)


    In the interest of being fair about this home field advantage stuff, how about next time the SEC sends a team up north to play us at a "neutral" site? For instance, Cleveland is lovely in January!


    I hear you on the tickets right now. I've got a couple of irons in the fire right now, but it has to be relatively reasonable. Still sick at myself for not going to the 2003 Championship game.


    I know OSU will travel very well, but will not argue with the home field advantage this year for the SEC. Though, you may be stretching it a little concerning Tempe last year.


    Should be a great game. best of luck. if this season is any preview, this should be one helluva bowl season.

  10. If rooting for the Buckeyes and the Sweatervest means stopping Miles from becoming a coach of a National Championship team, so be it! At least Lloyd will have that over the classless idiot who cannot even pronounce the name of the state immediately north of Louisiana.


    Plus, it will make November 22, 2008 all the better when Michigan beats the defending National Champions in Columbus. Sorry Q23CD.


    Sounds like you're a little bitter?


    How is Miles the Classless Idiot in all of this? No matter what rumor you believe, one of the "facts" in the whole circus was the Les seemed pretty angry about the apparent leak of information from UM before his team was to play for the SEC Championship. Seems to me your lack of class may be a little closer to home?


    That mis-pronuciation of Arkansas came at an unfortunate time, but I think it was a pretty honest mistake. You see, Les use to be the coach of Oklahoma State, who plays Kansas and Kansas St every year. The Arkansas River is pronounced Ar-kan-Sas River in kansas. None the less, it was a bulletin board material mistake.


    Les might not always sound like the smartest guy in the room, but considering his record of 33-6 at LSU over the last 3 years, he apparently knows a little bit about X's and O's.


    Speaking of the intellectually chalenged, where again was the UM AD during a very crucial weekend as far as the future of his football program was concerned?


    Concerning the National Championship, I hope all the Buckeyes fans that can make the trip to New Orleans do it. The city is doing better and needs your help. The Quarter and Uptown are exactly like they were and if you need any restaurant or bar suggestions just let me know.


    As far as who will win the game, if I was Tressell there would be quite a few of those "hottest team in the Nation right now" teams I would have rather played than an LSU Team with five weeks of rest.

  11. Any you dudes want some bootlegs go here:




    Have fun and put on some extra skin... Doug hangs around there and he tends to bite everynow and then. It is very relaxed and people tend to lay out others. The moderators take the most hits. But they try to have freedom of speech as much as possible.


    Amorica is Doug's favorite cover, but Southern Harmony, Amorica and Three Snakes go hand in hand in hand.


    They are all top for me.


    I think Ed left due to junk. He is my favorite part of that band.


    Appreciate it

  12. I have no idea of the legitimacy of the message, but I just received this email from a friend and thought Sooie would get a kick out of it:


    Frank Broyles: Houston Dale, we need to talk.




    Frank Broyles: You

  13. How 'bout those Hogs!!! I'm still recovering from yesterday.



    Good Game Sooie...McFadden and Jones are brutal. They killed us even when they didn't touch the ball, that FB up the gut hurt. Anyway, well done.


    Are ya'll going to keep Nutt. Seems like it would be hard to fire him now, but I haven't kept up with his antics all year. I must admit though, if I had been having to listen to that kind of post game interview all year, I might be showing him the door re-gaurdless. Cool to see Ark back in the Cotton if that is where they end up.

  14. How about maybe they just met a real contender of a team in Wisconsin, and they were outplayed?


    The Badgers lost to Illinois, Penn State, and Ohio State this year... all on the road.

    The significance there is that the #2 RB, Lance Smith was suspended by UW (not by NCAA) and was not allowed to travel with the team after an argument with his girlfriend in the off season where he pushed her to the ground and was charged with battery.


    I am not condoning this or minimizing what Smith did, but the bottom line is that Barry Alvarez (UW Athletic Director) levied the suspension on his player, not the NCAA...

    As a Badger fan, I am a little conflicted. On one hand I want the team to be as competitive as possible, and having Smith at Illinois, Penn State and Ohio State to keep that strong 1-2 backfield rotation that was so effective at home... well that makes those ballgames turn out a LOT differently than they did. Seeing Smith run like a maniac yesterday even without Hill, I would bet that Loyd Carr would agree as well.


    On the other hand, I respect why Barry suspended him... The residents of Madison do NOT want their campus to be the free-for-all that exists at places like Miami, LSU, and now USF, where hardcore thugs run rampant in the community as long as they can play well on Saturdays. WI is a fairly conservative State, and Barry sent a clear message to the players that poor conduct WILL have consequences in Madison.


    I didn't mean to belittle Illinois either...

    At the beginning of this season (and the beginning of this thread) I was one of many to think that the Illini were going to be a doormat like they have been the [past few years.

    Ron Zook and his scrappy young guys put it ON this year and proved me wrong, and I will be the foirst to admit that I was wrong, and to say congrats to the Illini... They played well, and they beat the Badgers. I still feel that having Smith would have changed that game, but there's always next year.


    OK, back to yesterday...


    Everyone is crying injuries and "insignificance" as the reason that UM lost this game...


    For the OSU and UM games, PJ Hill was out for the Badgers, as was a portion of their O line which had to be re-arranged to place the backups in the most effective spots.

    As cryptique put it, anyone heard of injuries?? ALL teams have their issues with banged up players and issues with rotating in the backups where they can be the most effective.


    Besides, last time I checked Hart and Henne don't play defense... and the key to the win yesterday was that the Badgers ran the ball at will all day on the Wolverines.


    As for insignificance, after losing to Appalachian State, the Wolverines needed to play well every game so they didn't wind up in the Hormel Chopped Meat Bowl on New Years Day.... Besides, Wisconsin is a tough division rival, as was Illinois at OSU yesterday... and IMO, neither OSU nor UM would lay down on those games regardless of the consequence of next week's match.


    Out of curiosity, which incidents of hard core thuggery are you referring to running rampant and unchecked at LSU? If memory serves me, over the past 3 years Les Miles has kicked 3 or 4 players off the team for breaking team rules. All of these involved kids getting in fights

    at bars where they probably shouldn't have been, and none of them were with women. They were kicked off the team, not suspended, for breaking rteam rules. Heading into the Bama game, Miles Suspends the #2 QB in a 2 QB system for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He did not do anything wrong and any and all charges were dropped against him, but he wasn't representing the team like he should and was suspended for the game. A game that if LSU lost to Nick Saban, the shadow that les has been in for 3 years is extended indefinitely.


    The best player on the team and one of the best in the nation, Glen Dorsey, gives up millions as a first round draft pick last year to come back because he wanted to help the school and his team mates compete for a national championship and he promised his mom he would get his degree. A team that was as positive a role model college sports could have after the way they handled hurricane katrina 2005. Almost the whole team volunteered on their own at the Triage center set up at the assembly center for weeks. Lots of players had family members staying with them that season and their daily lives turned upside down. That team went 11-2.


    Needless to say, I completely disagree with your comments and am a little offended.

  15. You're kidding, right? Of course it's possible that they'll run the table, but any one of their remaining opponents (Michigan State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan) could rise up and beat them. If their remaining games were against the likes of Minnesota, Northwestern, and Iowa, I might agree with you, but they've got five tough conference games remaining, and the way upsets have happened this year, I frankly don't expect them to walk onto the field undefeated when they face Michigan.

    By the way, who are the lunatics who submitted first-place votes for Oklahoma and LSU in the AP poll?


    Agreed....to date, out of 119 division 1-A schools, OSU has the 118 toughest schedule.


    I totally understand why LSU received a vote, but I'm clearly biased. None the less, big wins over VA Tech and South Carolina, a complete thumping of a MS State team that has hung in with a UT team and beat Auburn, a big win over a great FLA team at home, and a triple over time loss to a great kentucky team with an amazing offense and inspired defense.


    Just don't see the crazy in LSU receiving a #1 vote. Lots of football to play.

  16. This is shocking. I'm sure USC knew nothing of this. It's only a matter of time before we are reading these articles about Tressel.



    I'm a huge LSU fan, and a saints fan, so I've got bias's in every direction on this one; but this came out like a year ago and I could not believe how fast it died down.


    Was anyone else surprised in the disparity of the distance USC dropped after the loss to Stanford and Michigan after the loss to App state? UM drops from 5 to out of the polls (1st game of season) and USC drops from 2nd to no worse than 10th. I don't pretend to have a lot of knowlege about power rankings etc., but I would bet based on power rankings that App State and Stanford are pretty close? hasn't Stanford had a horrendous season or three and doesn't App state vie for the 1-AA champ on a regular basis?





  17. Here goes again.

    About to pack for the third (and final) leg of THE DIRT UNDERNEATH. Boy has this been fun. Originally supposed to be 2-3 weeks in may. A chance to kinda reinvent ourselves to ourselves. Maybe rediscover some old overlooked songs and a way to work the kinks out of some new ones and road test some ideas before embarking on our next album. Instead, we basically worked up the meat of our next album in front of a live audience and had so much fun we added another and now another leg. (Insert favorite three-legged joke here).


    As most know, we made new album this summer. BRIGHTER THAN CREATION'S DARK

    Title comes from a really good Cooley song called Checkout Time In Vegas. We had the easiest time making this album, as it just came out as if it was totally meant to be this way. No debates or even decisions to make, it all just made sense. Everyone shared same vision and it came together like throwing pieces into air and having them land in perfect place.


    Then we couldn't find a name for it. Everyone was so happy with the baby that no name seemed good enough.

    We wanted 100% agreement (this time) as nothing else had been compromised so why start with title. I personally believe that it's actually best to start with a title and build from there. I did this with the name of the band and about half or more of the albums have had title before the songs themselves. Decoration Day had always been Heathens, but 2 other bands named their albums that that previous summer. Name one now? I digress again.


    BRIGHTER THAN CREATION'S DARK. it will grow on you. it did me. In the end, we settled for everyone being OK with it.

    It was a majority's first choice, and 1 second choice. The other... Hopefully it will grow on all. Of note, Wes Freed loved the title and began drawing ideas based on it before we had even decided. His artwork looks to be best yet and that did affect the final decision.


    David Barbe produced once again.

    Oh yeah, and did I mention that there are 19 songs on it.


    It's coming out the very beginning of 2008. We plan to tour our asses off. But this next few weeks will be the end of THE DIRT UNDERNEATH. It's been great, but it's served its purposes and we're going to be ready to move on.

    The new album certainly has been influenced by some of that approach and some of those aspects will continue, but It IS an electric album. It ROCKS (as they say).


    See you at the show.


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