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Posts posted by MKHstudios

  1. *The weather was perfect 75 degrees & sunny

    *Obviously tons of Brown & RISD students made for a lively scene

    *There were a couple tapers set up dead center halfway between the stage and foh mix position when I arrived midway through Yo La tenga's set.

    I chose the record of the right stack. Because of gusty winds I wore windscreens on the AK40's in my hat.

    *The sound was blistering loud and there were issues during the set. The mix on the first couple songs is really poor.

    The Lips were using a new sound engineer - who had never mixed them before. Besides the PA buzz there was a intermittent static.

    You can really hear it when Wayne does the Yoshimi sing-a-long. This was not an issue with the PA, but a delay that was having issues.

    *The other copy might sound better - I was too close to the subs and getting bounced around by college hipsters.

    *Oh yeah - the dancers on the left side of the stage in purple - wow. ;)



    ...a link to the recording:








    1.Ta Da! (w/ Wayne in Bubble)

    2.Race for the Prize


    4.Fight Test

    5.Free Radicals

    6.Yoshimi Pt. 1 (w/ Singalong)

    7.Yoshimi Pt. 2

    8.Vein of Stars (w/ Firebird)

    9.The Yeah Song (w/ Singalong)

    10.Taps/Waitin' for a Superman





    2.She Don't Use Jelly (w/ Singalong)

    3.Do You Realize??

    4.A Spoonful Weighs a Ton

  2. What a weekend!


    Good friends -new and old.

    Wonderful music - a given.

    That deep dish pizza and those mini brownies. Yum.


    Thanks to Sue and Jeff, our hosts, the organizers, and each donor who made this wild weekend in Chicago happen.

    Great photos everyone - nice work (and not a single 'beep' this year) :D

  3. - Ellen's opening monologue sucked.

    - Happy Feet beat Cars....you've got to be fu*#ing kidding me!

    - Will Ferrell and Jack Black had a funny singing bit about comedies getting no respect.

    - Melissa Etheridge won Best Song....you've got to be fu*#ing kidding me!

    - Ennio Morricone tribute...I love his music...very cool.

    - Little Miss Sunshine did not win Best Picture...bummer. The Departed DID win...very cool.

    - Al Gore got on stage to accept Oscar for Best Documentary...dude looks as plastic as ever.



    Ellen was not the best, but it was cool that she poked fun at celebs (however nothing will ever beat Norm MacDonald hosting the ESPY's in 1999 he was killing everyone)


    Will Ferrell/Jack Black/John C Reilly skit was he highlight of the night


    Ennio Morricone tribute was long overdue - 'The Mission' soundtrack is one of my all-time fav's.


    Al Gore: please GO AWAY.

  4. Plus we live in a take your music with you everywhere you go these days - of course when I was a teenager, it was boomboxes - playing cassettes - the Mp3 of the day.


    that started long ago...


    Back at my elementary school your coolness was measured by which vinyl albums you were sporting under your arm in the bus lines after school. I was 'the man' the day I brought in Love Gun by Kiss. I guess you are still pretty cool today if you can bust out the Summerteeth vinyl.

  5. Let us not forget that Jeff Tweedy himself polluted your ears with 128 bit mp3's for download with Sunken Treasure.


    And I am so glad they did. Those tracks are great and their sharing of the music with this community is unmatched.


    I am not against MP3's. But I guess I would have prefered FLAC's and if I wanted to convert them into MP3's - I would do it on my own.


    You can always convert a lossless FLAC into an MP3, but you can never turn a MP3 into the original lossless FLAC and I prefer to have both.

  6. Glad this thread is still alive... ugh. As a cave dwelling troll / 'Star Trek' convention goer who records concerts due to the fact that I have no life. Did I get that right Uncle Wilco? I could care less what format you choose to listen to the music. Play it through two cans and a string for all I care. I believe the torrent sites ask it not to be shared as MP3's to keep the integrity of quality as it is passed on to others. Once you have it - if you prefer to MP3 it at 128K and then load it onto your 'chinese turd' - I mean Ipod - then go for it. In most cases these days people can not tell the difference between the two because the only place they hear music is through the very mediocre earbuds that come with your 'chinese turd' - sorry, Ipod.


    Okay, got to run - I have a comic book convention to attend this afternoon and a 'Lord of the Rings' dress up party later this evening.

  7. I just listened to my JT / Austin recordings and they came out very nice. Look for them on BT.etree at some point soon. It has taken me longer to get through this batch because Feb is a big convention month. That would be 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' conventions - I hit both.

  8. Is there any news on getting this audio uploaded?


    the news is: unless you drove to marfa,tx recorded the show and plan on uploading it yourself... you are going to have to be patient


    badgering does not make things happen faster

  9. The Police's performance was pretty average i must add.


    but Copeland still owned and looks fantastic. Summers has put on some pounds.



    I agree....

    Sting should go back to having sex

    Summers should try Trimspa or at least a salad every once in a while


    and Copeland still kicks serious ass

  10. Okay - I got sucked in.


    highlights so far...


    *lifetime achievement for The Grateful Dead (too bad only Billy & Mickey showed up)


    *tribute to Bob Wills (house band of Cain's Ballroom)


    *Dixie Chicks mocking Nashville and the pop country music scene


    *performances Shakira & Wyclef / Knarles Barkley / Mary J (that is my dose of pop music for the year)




    *Rascal Flats .... are these the same guys from 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' - if so the TV show is better


    *Justin Timberlake - when is his 15 minutes up? soon...please


    *The Police - for all the hype, I was just not that moved


    *John Mayer - the human face contortionist (a blues guitarist from Fairfield County in CT - he had it rough)

  11. That damn martini i had at Jett's and the tequila i had at the mayor of Marfa's house "got me" :beer


    That meal at Jett's was a food highlight of the trip....


    pistachio encrusted steak

    garlic mashed potatoes

    squash and zuchinni


    oh yeah ... a killer Maragrita

  12. In Sept '05 I was in Amsterdam, NL. After a day of seeing the sights I stopped into Grey Matter to grab a ... coffee. They had a local station on that afternoon. After my second .... sip of coffee... "California Stars" came on the radio. It was pretty wild.

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