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Posts posted by CommerceComet

  1. Yeah I've had the audio for years, and I'll at least get that. I was considering an upgrade.


    I work evenings at the paper so it's nice to have something accessible on the net since I can't turn the TV up loud.

  2. Anybody ever use the MLB.TV video package on the Internet? I can't decide whether to try it this year. It's $120 for the season or $20 a month. I'm not sure if there is a per-game rate.


    The quality looks good, but I just don't know if I would use it enough. What's crazy is the blackouts. I live in Oklahoma City and blackouts apply to the Rangers, Astros, Royals and Rockies. I mean the Rockies, for crying out loud. They are 10 hours away! I'm not a fan of any of those teams, but still.

  3. Andrew Bird

    Bob Dylan


    Death Cab

    Elliott Smith

    Flaming Lips



    Iron & Wine

    Jeff Tweedy

    Kelly Willis

    Lee Ann Womack

    M. Ward

    National, The

    Old 97s

    Paul Simon


    Ryan Adams



    Uncle Tupelo

    Vince Gill



    Yonder Mountain String Band


  4. You're not a bad guy ... for a Sooner! :rotfl


    Seriously, if it takes a great band like Wilco to bridge the Bedlam gap, so be it. Here's to unity in music! :cheers

    My sister went to OSU so I can handle a little orange, as long as it's not of the burnt variety.


    Hey, if you have any more clips or photos of the crowd, I'd love to see 'em ... my buddy right behind me got some face time in your Late Greats vid, but I was blocked by some other fans. Just thought it'd be cool to show my kids where dad was during the show.

    I think I've posted everything I took. Like you, I spent a lot of time just enjoying the show. Also, my camera battery was dying and I wanted to save it in case I decided to wait for the band after the show (which I didn't).

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has Wilco dreams. I've had two recently:


    1) I was at an outdoor Wilco show. The band left the stage, and we expected an encore. But it didn't happen right away. So I walked across the street to an Arby's, where all of the employees were rather hot young women who wanted to have an orgy with me in the back. As I considered the possibilities, I heard Wilco start up again and I said "sorry ladies" as I ran out of the restaurant.


    2) As I was preparing for a real show in Tulsa last week, I dreamed Wilco added a show the night before in Oklahoma City. Because of the late notice, it was sparsely attended. But for some reason Steve Carell and John Krasinski were standing in front of me.

  6. The recording i captured does not agree ;)

    When they would all stop and look at Nels, I thought it was pretty damn funny. Obviously an audio recording wouldn't catch that.

  7. P.S. How did some fans get the "fan club" tickets? I bought my tix on Dec. 12 from Music Today and had them mailed to me, but wasn't aware of any VIP type option. Not that it mattered much, I was pretty close anyway. Just wondering ...

    I bought mine the same day and they said "fan club," so I don't know why yours didn't.

  8. I thought it interesting someone else in the band did not fill Nils parts after seeing the tech trouble he was having. It would have been cool to maybe hear Mikael or Pat fill in with some keys or even Glen with a improve drum solo in place of the slide.


    It worked better without that simply for comic relief.

  9. Definitely an amazing show. Anybody know where I can pick up a recording? I looked on bt.etree but I don't see it up there yet.

    Who needs a recording that quick? I'm still replaying it in my mind.

  10. I'm 19, and that was my first Wilco show ever! I've been listening to them religiously ever since I bought Summerteeth last year, and would like to thank everybody at the Cain's show for making it such a great experience. You guys rock. Wilco rocks. One of the best experiences of my youngish life.


    Yay! :rock

  11. it was an amazing show as always. Hi-lite of the night was Nels' amp/guitar/chord (don't know which part actually wasn't working) during the first half of Walken. Every time they hit a break for Nels to fill, it was just silent. Everybody seemed to get a laugh out of this. When they finally got his slide guitar up and running in time for his solo, the crowd erupted. It was great.

    I shot video of this from right in front of Nels. Hopefully it will come out. I'll check in later with the results.

  12. I read somewhere that Ryan Adams and the Cardinals came out and gave stickers to the hard-core fans in line at Cain's.


    So, in a dream situation, you wouldn't have to stay afterward.

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