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pillowy star

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Posts posted by pillowy star

  1. I think Jeff just started to realize that the more he egged them on, the more loud and obnoxious they were going to get, so he stopped. From my vantage point, that was kind of the gist of the look that Nels gave Jeff. Actually, the hooting and hollering wasn't that obnoxious, really. I think part of what Jeff meant with the whole "we come over here to get away from you people" statement was just that that sort of stuff happens all the time in America and maybe being in Europe, there's some hope that it won't be as prevalent over here.


    That is to say that one of the main reasons the band plays in Europe (and overseas, in general) is because it's an opportunity to get its music heard by a wider audience and not just by the same kind of Americans who come to shows in the U.S. I can't speak for Jeff or anyone else, but being an American traveling in Europe, I know the single biggest thing I want to avoid doing is being the stereotypical "ugly American." Maybe there was some of that sentiment in Jeff's comments as well... :ninja


    I think you are totally right here, judging from what I saw during the amazing 3 nights we spent together.


    You are most right about you not being the stereotypical American (are there "ugly" Americans anyway?! Not for me :D), you were great company, and we can't wait to do that and much more again. The sooner the better :yes

  2. The beatles never regressed.


    Of course not. They simply couldn't, technically spoken. They were crap to begin with.


    Yes, I like SBS, I think it is gorgeous, yet another new direction the band are heading towards. My favorite is Summerteeth, mostly because of the utmost dark lyrics - which I personally prefer to brighter ones, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the more mature, content lyrics of SBS are any worse - and not because of the production.


    I also like Jay Bennett's music a hell of a lot, one of my favorite songs ever is "Curiosity".


    To sum it up: I think that Jay Bennett is better off without Wilco, as he can go on doing his stuff - which he clearly wanted to impose upon Jeff who also clearly didn't want that anymore - and Jeff can go on doing his own stuff and is better off without Jay too.


    Everone's happy.

  3. Aww, don't worry about anything, Jen, and just enjoy the big day. Have it DVD-ed, as you will be too excited/nervous to take anything in entirely, so it will be sheer bliss to watch the DVD a bit later with a glass of wine and your new husband in your arms :wub

  4. Same happened to us last year too :lol We were so overplanned (having to do this living in two different countries didn't exactly help either) that my husband in one of the private pre-runs just said "yeah yeah carry on" when asked if he wanted to take me as his lawful wife :P

  5. Happy Mothers Day to all the other Mums of teenager daughters who frequenly forget about Mother's Day, get up at noon, see you and then frantically try to explain that they were "just about to make a huge breakfast for the whole family when they unfortunately fell back asleep at 8.30" (after coming home at 4.30 am) :rolleyes

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