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pillowy star

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Posts posted by pillowy star

  1. I know, I know, and all the past years I have been the one to explain all that to people who thought they'd been made fun of, watching that last stage with the riders toasting each other etc :lol But as this year everything is different really, and nobody knows who to honor and who not, my humble opinion is that it also might be a good idea to break with this tradition and create some tension other than "who's gonna be the next to fall off his bike dead due to doping"?

  2. gosh yes. great race between the top three. i thought we were going to have a top 3 mix up but evans was able to conserve his lead over a charging leipheimer.


    below is a pretty good perspective of the clean riders within the peloton:


    Of the supposedly clean riders would be more appropriate methinks ;)

  3. I see where you are coming from, completely. But as long as doping is banned/illegal, it will have to be done secretely and hidden from the public (you don't honestly think that it will be stopped due to more controls?! See now, another doping case is gonna be disclosed during the next minutes), which means it comes along with a criminal potential on top of the medical dangers.


    It's the same to me like heroin. Why adding the criminal investigations to the medical costs it causes? Just let everyone who wants take as many drugs as they want. They're gonna take them anyway, so at least make it legal for them and give everyone equal rights (i.e. people with less money now have to buy shit drugs whilst millionaires like Lindsay Whoeverthatdrunkardsnameis can buy clean stuff).


    Is that too liberal :)?

  4. and Pillowy Star great idea: get back to me when your kids are using PEDs in high school because they want to compete. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but drug use always trickles down, and those on a lower level use to claw their way to the next level.


    Oh my daughter is already in high school, has tested out drugs (although she claims she hasn't but who'd ever trust a teenager?!), and just recently told me that those who think they need to do stuff like that are losers with no self-esteem.


    I guess it is all down to education and how to infiltrate your kids with it so they don't feel the need to "compete".


    And no, I wasn't being sarcastic. Until we'll reach a level where nobody could ever get away with a single doping substance for a single meter of cycling, the only fair thing is to give everyone the same chance aka the meds they obviously need and want.

  5. There's only one way to stop dopers from betraying others really: Allow doping for everyone. Period.


    I guess in a few years, when cyclists with 3 legs and 2 hearts and alien faces with bubble skin will have fallen off their bikes dead on Mont Galibier to please the 2 spectators that are left, everyone's gonna realize that this is a farce. And you can only stop a farce by leading it ad absurdum.

  6. Yep, many people like it a lot (I don't belong to them).


    IMHO, the band did the only right thing in Hamburg, deciding to go for What Light and skip HMD in favor of it :flirt

  7. Am so shy. Haven't even gone over to meet the new neighbors, who've been there a whole half-day. I'm terrified. :unsure


    :dontgetit A whole half-day?! You mean 12 hours, and you're still not on sharing-keys-terms yet?! I am shocked, Donna. Are you ok? :unsure

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