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About owl

  • Rank
    I'm Always in Love
  • Birthday 04/09/1981

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    New Otherton

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  1. At long last, the WilcoArchive has been updated: http://www.owlandbear.com/2011/09/09/wilco-archive-update-september-2011/
  2. Archive updated today. We're going to be doing updates every Friday through June. You should befriend O&B on Facbeook or Twitter or just check back often.
  3. Here's Owl and Bear's list: http://www.owlandbear.com/download/owl-and-bear’s-best-albums-of-2009
  4. Damn. Didn't see this before. RIP. Loved his contributions to the Dylan doc, No Direction Home, too.
  5. I'm pretty skeptical of its place at the top of lists, but clearly it's resonating with a lot of people. I find it interesting in parts but not wholly engaging or as brilliantly creative as many people seem to. I'd say it's one of the year's most creative albums, and it's definitely AC's most accessible. That said, I agree; I think a lot of people put it at the #1 spot but only because they're supposed to like it.
  6. Sorry. I guess I should've been clearer. What you said wasn't douchy, it's your behavior that is douchy. But you're right. You are not the first to make the wrongful assumption that fans of a musician are interested in your subjective dismissal of someone they like. Yes, your contribution is just as valid as that of anyone else who has dismissed an at least moderately talented musician as "no-talent". You have now joined an elite club. And, for the record, I don't care at all about Norah Jones.
  7. You're right. We should not be surprised when people say douchy things on a message board.
  8. Cool, ok then. In no particular order, and subject to additions: Best Albums of 2009 Califone - All My Friends Are Funeral Singers Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest Fruit Bats - The Ruminant Band Marissa Nadler - Little Hells St. Vincent - Actor Animal Collective - MPP Brandi Carlile - Give Up The Ghost Tortoise - Beacons of Ancestorship Local Natives - Gorilla Manor Sera Cahoone - Only as the Day Is Long Steve Earle - Townes Vic Chesnutt - At the Cut Volcano Choir - Unmap Wilco - Wilco (The Album) Box Sets/Reissues Beatles Big Star - Keep an Eye on the Prize Iron & Wine - Around the Well Wil
  9. Is There a Best of 2009 Thread? I tried, but failed, to find it—if it exists. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  10. They don't run the Facebook page. If I'd have known, I would've put it on Pastrysharp.
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