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Posts posted by mfwahl

  1. Maybe "standout" like a soar thumb?


    I am not worried about this album. It will probably rule.

    Yeah, I think the word "standout" is the only thing that I can find worrisome in the description of the next record (though a guitar sounding like a flute can be really cool or really lame; putting my faith in Nels).

  2. am i the only one who is kind of annoyed when bands put out self titled records on like their 9th album or whatever? :unsure


    just seems like they couldn't decide on anything so they gave up.


  3. yeah... saying that is a standout track does not bode well.

    This is Rolling Stone we're talking about. I'll take their info, but do without their opinions. Hopefully this article is waiting for me at home!

  4. He definitely has a pick there.


    If you look on You Tube, he uses a pick for shot in the arm, also.


    Sorry no help, but I can certainly offer empathy. I think picking Mountain Bed and Bob Dylan's beard is a lot easier than shot in the arm, because the riff is syncopated and not in rhythm with the strumming.

  5. I thought it was already illegal to sell any bootleg items with Phish (or any other band) likeness on them.

    They're looking for an injunction, not rewriting legislation. I don't know the details of this but they probably just want to be able to stop people from selling the shirts just for the duration of the weekend without having to go to trial.

  6. I owe you a beer. So how can "the list" be taken seriously? Maybe he didn't play "noiz".

    I've been listening to the Original and Engineer's Demos recently. I can see how he can say he did or played all of those things in the last during the develpment of the album, but in regards to what appears on the final product, it seems the list is about half true.

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