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Everything posted by SlowBurn68

  1. I may just do that - I never went to either school, but I love Wolverine Football.
  2. I have never been to the MSU campus - but I think i'll hit the 10/6 show - So does anyone have some ideas on what to do Saturday and Sunday?
  3. I love making fun of peoples stupid religious beliefs. God bless.
  4. Only if LouieB plays so I can make out with him.
  5. There are so many gamers here that we need to start a WILCO online gaming clan. What games should we play?
  6. Everytime you buy a console game a flight sim dies.
  7. Exactly - Look at everything that was accomplished during thoes 4 years - We can't even police an Iraqi neighborhood - What the hell has happened to us?
  8. I guess if your parties approval rating was 29% I wouldnt advertise it either.
  9. Ok - I would also look into a pair of B&W CM1's for about $500 per pair. I know $300 is your limit but if you can swing the additional $$ you won't be disapointed. http://www.bwspeakers.com
  10. I'm not a camera buff, but I bought a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-M1. It's a 5.1 megapixel with MPEG4 video and I love it: It cost about $400
  11. I think todays terror plot in the UK is a manufactured distraction to shift focus away from what Isreal is about to do to Lebanon.
  12. I think once you use teenagers as guided bombs and innocent women and children as human shields - you forfeit any quarter the doctrine of proportionality would provide.
  13. PMC is all you need: http://www.pmc-speakers.com/
  14. I agree - or maybe he has nothing left to say. I think good art comes from pain.
  15. For PC - I will pay for the server - Just need someone to run it.
  16. Was that "The Jewish Mother" or am I thinking of the deli?
  17. I want to start a WILCO gaming clan - Battlefield 2 only.
  18. Diet Dr. Pepper and 6 5/500 hydrocodone's
  19. How stupid - Does anyone here even play video games besides me?
  20. Edited for offensive content.
  21. Ohhhhh - another flag up the butt Texas conservative! Your too stupid to be a Wilco fan.
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