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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. nice. no need for the eff bomb when you don't want to actually have a discussion but would prefer to just be a total douche and then have the balls to bitch that a thread could get closed due to the degeneration of an argument.
  2. Our feelings are based on conditions. Because they are dependent on conditions, they are unstable and impermanent. Because they are unstable, they are not under my control. Because they are not under my control trying to posses them is stressful. Because they are not under my control, they are not mine. They are not mine and not part of myself.
  3. and actually, the idea that my posts are entertaining at all is the most ridiculous part of the whole thing.
  4. actually, you don't own your feelings.
  5. ergo, those who think different don't care and should live elsewhere. good stuff. I trust Dr. Garvin would still be proud of me.
  6. awesome. I'm rubber and you're glue. where's gogo and her black bar, dammit!
  7. You don't have to. But others don't have to agree with you either. And the idea that they should look back on what they thought four or eight years ago is asking them to disparage themselves, and your subsequent attempt to paint that as 'self reflection' is disingenuous. Other than that I couldn't really care less who you of Jules vote for or why (that Jude is a prick though).
  8. Thanks for the vote. I could whip out my philosophy degree or my professional affiliations for my posts on this message board affiliated with an obscure alt.country band, but I prefer to play the role of village idiot. It's just a role though.
  9. ummm, yeah no. The idea that anyone knows what a Gore or Kerry presidency would look like and what different or similar problems would have arisen and how they would be handled is flabbergastingly absurd. The idea that anyone knows what will unfold in an Obama or McCain presidency is absurd. People vote their conscience and the chips fall where they fall.
  10. and you're clearly on the side of one and not the other, despite any misperceptions you may have about your postings.
  11. I'm pretty sure my bald fat buddy Andrew Zimmern went there.
  12. If one beats themselves up for a decision they made in the past when they clearly couldn't predict the future and had to make a choice...well, they're a douchebag. Anyone who insinuates that they should feel bad about that should frankly be suspended from the interweb.
  13. Why do you hate the American dream?
  14. I just noticed my DVR only goes two weeks out so I can't set it for the cycling track events. Bummer. I can record the road race though. Oh well, maybe I can find a TV in the campground at 2 am
  15. fixed it Will report back. Just read the intro. I've had this one earmarked for vacation for several months.
  16. It's kind of funny....I forget that some people here work and don't just make their living posting on the internet
  17. who should I vote for to show that I really hate America?
  18. Spawn and I push off this afternoon. Loading the car now and then going to head out to fill up. Any idea on how many psi I should inflate my tires to?
  19. thanks. I don't think much of it will be live. since that Phinney kid is a phenom and a serious medal hope I suppose they may show that live. do you remember the year they had the whole olympics on a million different cable channels? that was pretty good as they showed the road race in its entirety.
  20. Let me know if Taylor Phinney medals, ok? The problem with the olympics is that if you're looking for something specific and it ain't gymnastics you have to wade through a sea of stuff to see it. They like giving time ranges for things like cycling that are so unwieldy it doesn't seem to even make sense to try and record the stuff.
  21. my dad got our class patriotic (though not red white and blue) fabric from his company and we made clothes and ended up in the newspaper. As I recall the boys made vests and ties. I think the girls did skirts. I'd try and dig up the photo, but my mom would only know where it is and she's dead
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