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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I think hands down that's my favorite album this year.
  2. the iphone plans get cheaper per unit on a family plan, but yeah it's still pretty costly.
  3. that one about how he screwed up his marriage that Orkie went on and on about on all the music boards that haven't banned him? I really loved December's Child.
  4. now can someone explain it? CERN, Switzerland (CNN) -- Scientists Wednesday applauded as one of the most ambitious experiments ever conceived got successfully underway, with protons being fired around a 27-kilometer (17-mile) tunnel deep beneath the border of France and Switzerland in an attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe.
  5. I played with a curve for around an hour and bought an iPhone. I couldn't deal with the browser on the blackberry.
  6. I guess my question would be why does it matter which it is? Why the assumption that we are so separate from society, from culture, from one another? Perhaps it's really all more holographic than that. Each piece contains the whole. We create culture and culture creates us. In that case the essence is in the whisper. In the case of running my neighbor over, I don't need to know why it's wrong....or even how I learned it's wrong. I know experientially that it's wrong. I feel it in my stomach, my head, my heart. But as we slide from the obvious to the perhaps less obvious and then to the hot arg
  7. I ran my neighbor over. That was wrong.
  8. Pffft. All this talk is making me think that maybe Obama is a Muslim.
  9. no worries. you seem to be still missing the point, so I'm not giving you any credit.
  10. you don't get to call me out and then temper it by saying you're not calling me out. sorry. I read it just fine.
  11. talk about missing the point. it was in response to being dismissed.
  12. and I promise you I'm left of you. I just prefer to actually think whereas you clearly don't.
  13. awesome. not smug at all. typical liberal.
  14. yes, Obama is the one real politician we've seen in how long? And of course he doesn't have staff, or PR or image people. And Biden? Well he wouldn't posture for the media at all.
  15. is Biden likable? I have a hard time getting around the clips of him during the steroid hearings.
  16. why do you hate teh childrens, neocon?
  17. the fact that you can miss the hypocrisy in the two viewpoints you just posted is pretty staggering.
  18. The neocons are destroying the country and not special interest groups? Interesting.
  19. Click your red heels, Dorothy. All those people get to vote as well.
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