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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. bottlemania--How water went on sale and why we bought it Elizabeth Roythe
  2. Is it being said we shouldn't be concerned if she becomes VP? I'm kind of confused. I can't fathom she could pull off being president. I'm even more confused listening to the radio and hearing people say she did really well.
  3. Awesome. Right up until the time she has launch codes. Aww shucks.
  4. http://ninebullets.s3.amazonaws.com/Ben_Ni..._-_Toadvine.mp3
  5. Today is the tenth anniversary of my father's passing. He was truly the best friend I ever had, and I was closer to him than anyone else. Still, I'm amazed at the aspects of relationship that one never really replaces. That are simply lost. To this day, especially this day, there are still things I wish I could have the opportunity to share with him, get his advice on, or to simply be together without the need for words at all.
  6. I'm pretty sure no penguins were driving, though I assure you if a penguin was going 20 mph under the limit I'd be really pissed off.
  7. I think I expressed adequate levels of hostility for the driver of the slow car, those who slowed down to gawk (even if only momentarily) and perhaps even for the NYS thruway authority itself. I assure if it had been some guy in a classic car going 45 I'd have been equally peeved. On a two lane highway, especially a congested one on a Sunday afternoon, a driver going 20 mph slower than the posted speed limited forces everyone into one lane to pass. This creates a chain effect back up. So, everyone is wondering WTF is the cause of the back up...whether and accident or a smart car people are
  8. I like people better than penguins. You, I'd let go though.
  9. 45 on a highway isn't minding your own business. It's creating a traffic jam. That it was in a smart car exasperated the problem. I think my opinion of the whole lot of them is quite clear.
  10. he's still hated for unleashing that shitty OS on the world.
  11. do you like to bust each other's balls? an extension cord, for sure, then.
  12. dude, do you really think you grasp what Mother Terresa's thought process is? You won't accept another's belief in god, but you'll buy into mind reading, eh?
  13. I was also always under the impression that rich people sucked, so wouldn't the richest atheists (who are also using or causing the use of the most natural resources) suck even more? Making the poster boys for atheism pretty darn evil?
  14. there really is a politics thread already...unless someone is about to say Obama is equally fucking retarded as the rest of the lot of politcos for believing in god.
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