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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. You're the guy who was done with this, right? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  2. Holy red herring batman! You of course realize by now that no one here cares what you do or don't believe in.
  3. And bringing it up is designed to make the leftists look like a bunch of frothing idiots, which incidentally it's succeeding at.
  4. That's just flat out wrong. It was his to lose and he managed to lose it. Kerry and the DNC were the dipshits.
  5. Actually they go together pretty fine. We don't know what would have happened, but the evidence doesn't exist to think they would have been better. Maybe you should go back to pontificating on the inevitable rioting that's going to occur.
  6. No, actually I'm pointing out that we have no clue what would have happened, but based on the fact that the guy couldn't figure out how to beat the jackass we got stuck with it doesn't really appear he would have done a much better job.
  7. The problem is the system. Kerry would have been every bit Bush's equal at being a train wreck. He might have fucked up different things, but he sure would have fucked up as many things. You're the kind of guy who gets people with different views to become completely embedded in them. Congratulations on that righteous indignation. I'm sure it'll really help sway the vote.
  8. thanks for the update. my internet wasn't working.
  9. That's such an absolute load of shit. As a country it was the ineptitude of the left to put together a strategy to take the white house against a total putz. Twice. It wasn't some minority of 'knuckle draggers' that put Bush back in the white house. Kerry's campaign was a joke, and lord knows what kind of shape we'd be in if he actually managed to eek out a win. He lost to a total freaking douche, which makes him?
  10. if you love the dali lama so much you should marry him
  11. End days are near. The market loses 500 points a day, a black man will be elected president, and the Dali Lama is in the hospital.
  12. and people complain about Tweedy shushing
  13. I'm thinking the court is in place to protect the constitution.
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