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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. no, I don't expect him to moderate himself. Though I would expect him to be moderated if others are going to be suspended for like acts of exasperation.
  2. that's fucking retarded Granted I'm old but I don't imagine academia has changed that much.
  3. Strangely enough religion and religious people have also accomplished good things. I know, I know, it's hard to imagine. But I suppose it's easy to separate that out. Even odder countless atrocities have been and continue to be committed in names that have nothing to do with religion.
  4. That's some mighty fine thread quitting there.
  5. you may not like the god idea but you sure need something.
  6. the next list thread....10 bands better than Wilco.
  7. wow, that sounds pretty stupid is that seriously out of line?
  8. what the heck is it for then? http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/11/autos/volt...=rss_topstories
  9. while you guys are defining 'good' could you take on coming up with a working definition of 'seriously?'
  10. the best thing to ever come out of Uncle Tupelo breaking up formation of obscure alt-country band> popularization of their unofficial fan site> meeting ction on said site> him sending me the new ergs disc later today with apologies to M. Chris
  11. Next up: Ten obscure lists I can create to validate the things I like.
  12. but look at me now! dirt poor and getting dressed down by some guy on the internet for making a comment to the only VC person I ever trusted alone with my kid.
  13. shrug. I asked a legitimate question. who are you to characterize it as anything but?
  14. I'm really not sure why we can't feel bad when anybody loses their job. I made about 1/2 million a year once upon a time. I lost that job. I was pretty sad about it as well.
  15. racist monkey avatar. two threads on the same topic in the wrong forum when one already exists in the correct forum.
  16. As the arbiters of right and wrong we should be more proactive and kill all the monkeys. That way we won't need to worry about people dressing them up in people like situations and making them look ridiculous. In lieu of that I'd point out that a monkey winning an election would indeed be change. And that monkeys are still funny.
  17. or a boy toy. can rich broads still afford boy if the markets collapse?
  18. I can always fall back on being a monk, so it doesn't matter much to me either way.
  19. gotcha. Monkeys are funny, and I'd love to hear what the monkey is saying in English.
  20. Because he's clearly has nothing better to do. What's actually more disparaging is accusing an entire culture of racism (our Japanese friends) where there clearly isn't any.
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