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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Have I won any iPod accessories yet?
  2. I'm betting Obama doesn't drive himself very much.
  3. Plus, I can't imagine that mouth cover working for you...though I bet many in here wish it would
  4. all due respect, you're way too big of a prick to be a Jain.
  5. at this point the only car I want to drive has huge spiked tires and is powered by baby seal oil.
  6. is that like a scientologist? is most of that about Watts being a drunk and not practicing, but reading about Zen? Because I'd bet it would still be interesting though not nearly as interesting as
  7. And only because it was named after the popular hair band
  8. I just broke out of a huge traffic jam The culprit? 47 jackasses slowing down to look at the jackass in his jackass smart car at 45 on the farking highway
  9. big brother is watching. when the men in black rappel in through your windows don't come a crying.
  10. It's possible to vigorously defend your positions without acting like an asshole. Thanks.
  11. or, alternatively, you could just listen for yourself.
  12. Ieyyyyyyyyyyyye, wanna be a moderator. Ieyyyyyyyyyyyye wanna moderate your life!
  13. Not sure that would help. Bishop Berkeley argued all was mind. He argued that we can't know if an object exists, but only that it was being perceived by mind.
  14. Would it be conjecture to say that M. Chris has some mean cans, and would we need to have some empirical process in place to scientifically prove it?
  15. I like the Jayhawks because Orkie wore me out.
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