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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. And seriously,why would you for a moment tolerate Christmas in your home? Not only is it a religious holiday but it reinforces the very societal excesses you rail about. So the despite the fact that you skepticism remained intact embracing now would seem to indicate that it would have some other sort of benefit for a child.
  2. Every time I post something on the experiential and thus unprovable nature of the religious experience you ignore the posts. Talk about a lack of honesty.
  3. If Hillary were the nominee I'd have voted for McCain.
  4. Way back when, before there was a nominee, I thought (and stated) that if the democrats ran Hilary or Obama, McCain would run away with it. Things have shifted in a way variety of ways since then, but bringing Palin basically killed any chance he had of winning. It was a huge error of judgment on his part, and was demonstrative of his inability to run the country.
  5. Are you outing Tweedy and Ayers as friends? The world of rock deserves to know.
  6. That or a high percentage of Chicagoans hang with some shady people.
  7. There are quite a few rap albums that are better than anything Wilco has put out. Just sayin'
  8. It can be argued that the pragmatics that our system of government is heavily weighted towards pork and lobbyists, ultimately make for very little difference between what one party can accomplish over the other as regards your laundry list of things that should/shouldn't be approved based on which side of the aisle one agrees with.
  9. Our neighborhood butcher used to say never trust a man who doesn't drink. I'd like to amend that to include never trust a guy who hasn't been divorced.
  10. I'm pretty sure this guy will write an all time great album, but this is pretty far from being that.
  11. That would be kind of hard, since politicians by definition, are 'distasteful to me in integrity.'
  12. My leftisness includes uncompromising faith in tolerance and compassion. Particularly as regards the freedoms of expression. When I see those ideals sacrificed in the political spectrum the ever shrinking distance of what differentiates a republican from a democrat becomes even more difficult to make out.
  13. If your dad is not part of the solution he's part of the problem
  14. John Kerry would have found a way to lose that election no matter the circumstances of the world.
  15. huh? Some people of conservative beliefs would never vote for a democrat. Quite a few people in this thread have indicated they would never vote for a republican. I get the sense reading this thread from some that one of those is ok, but not the other.
  16. Are you there god? It's me, Margaret.
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