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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I'm not sure what that means, since I post about five times a week and don't really follow the day-to-day minutiae of teh VC. I'm pretty much going to post what I want, though if you don't like it you can ignore me or hit the report button.
  2. Heavens, man, you have to realize not everyone is from Chicago and not everyone on this board likes every incarnation of Wilco. We're on the first name basis with the guy now? Most people here don't even have the cojones to write anything but "Mr. Tweedy." And in a prior post you said something along the lines about Obama not really being all that despite being a far better candidate that McCain, so how can you characterize it as a 'few mamby pamby liberals' who don't feel he represents their views?
  3. There's this one guy on our team that we say of him, "he may be asshole, but at least he's our asshole." oh, wait... that's me
  4. I'd go gay for you. (how's that tugmoose?)
  5. Given the state of the economy perhaps they are just redistributing them to poorer folks?
  6. In all seriousness, is there a town left in america that doesn't have both a wallgreens and a cvs? I suspect most also have a rite-aid to boot. The market place dictates if such an action is wise or not, and until there is some evidence that such contraception is not readily available some place else this entire conversation is bunk. It's once again, argument for the sake of argument. Which, while might be the only true purpose of the interwebs, does get quite old. Freedom of speech and action goes both ways. If a pharmacy refuses to sell contraception in a society who gets hard with the wi
  7. tickles you where, exactly? A wind just blew here.
  8. Hard to know these days, everything is very serious
  9. it sounds like something out of a reefer madness type flick... Wind blows, guy pops a boner, and next thing he knows he's banging a meter maid in a phone booth. I'd say ban wind.
  10. Does it kinda feel like you're walking around with a cap gun?
  11. as a single adult male I choose not to fuck everyone I could because I don't want to get a disease.
  12. interstingly enough one doesn't need to go to that pharmacy or a Dr who doesn't treat you in line with your views. Cancer treatments have a wide variety of opinions on protocols. Should one Dr gavevto treat you as another? Seems to me the market place would sort this out just fine.
  13. So in your imagination none of us have a grasp of what was said pages ago or how the government works. Oh please, unkie Lou, do regale us with the tale of how a bill becomes law...and please don't leave out the part about how all the pork ends up in there.
  14. Awesome. So you spend a paragraph railing against something no one said, then agree with what was actually said, all the while chipping a statue to your position that everyone simply has to vote for the candidate you like. Same tired bit from the last election. Okay, carry on.
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