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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. "Now that we'll have a black president at least it will still be ok to hate Jews."
  2. I just read through my posts and not only are they embarrassing but they don't make a hell of a lot of sense.
  3. anyone watch this show? I just got turned on to the DVDs. Brilliant. And what a MILF, oy.
  4. JERUSALEM (CNN) -- An Israeli archaeologist has discovered what he says is the earliest-known Hebrew text, found on a shard of pottery that dates to the time of King David from the Old Testament, about 3,000 years ago. The shard -- or ostracon -- contains five lines of text divided by black lines. The shard -- or ostracon -- contains five lines of text divided by black lines. Professor Yosef Garfinkel of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says the inscribed pottery shard -- known as an ostracon -- was found during excavations of a fortress from the 10th century BC. Carbon dating
  5. Since I'm voting for McCain because Tweedy said to vote for Obama, I'm going to try and balance out my karma and go with the big guy on this one. Just say no to blu-ray.
  6. I like the smell of grass, fresh cut, by mexicans.
  7. I like my kid a lot, and he's smart and his friends and classmates are really good kids. That said, I couldn't really care who they think should be president.
  8. Considering major portions of republicans acknowledge that putting her on the ticket killed any chance McCain had of winning, I'd say the spin on her being around for 2012 is just lip service. If they don't make her seem like she's got legs (the metaphorical kind) they'd be just mailing the election in. I'm sure the post election spin will place the blame for the rout squarely on her shoulders and she'll slink back to Alaska and not be heard from again. One can hope, at least.
  9. wow, the rays really shit the bed, huh?
  10. hey, you said it not me. maybe caliber had a point.
  11. Good thing you're not running the campaign. If Obama were to smear McCain 'for his own firsthand participation in a mistaken war of aggression' he'd basically be done in national politics. In fact, he might have to move back to his Muslim home land.
  12. this is pretty tremendous as an aside how come Solace gets to embed video directly into his posts?
  13. right, and I had heard that changed, though I didn't hear that myself.
  14. Yes, and if what I heard is correct that's for a married couple. single filers have a different threshold.
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