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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Right. Obama, while perhaps a breath of fresh air, hasn't done much yet. So while he's clearly a better choice than McCain, if nothing else based on running mate alone, I reserve judgment and remain skeptical that either party is capable of initiating much real change.
  2. the elite group isn't running against times, but against each other. if no one pushes the pace and leaves the race for the kick that's the way it goes. I've been in plenty of races where guys were content to mark me but no one would actually challenge by lifting the pace.
  3. Kind of sounds like a sandbagger. In a cycling race she'd have won her category but certainly not the overall. No doubt the tactics in the race would have been different.
  4. Please turn in your radiohead albums.
  5. I have no idea what that means, but at this point instead of voting for the mediocrity that is our two party system of pandering to lobbyists and special interest groups I'm going to be a selfish bastard and vote for a third party.
  6. There really is no hope for this country at all.
  7. You sort of eluded to them as 'the' hometown band and I'm just asking if a higher percentage of people from chicago know of them, because aside from pockets of indie rock fans they're kind of obscure in other places.
  8. Actually, in my experience, younger kids tend to be more tolerant..
  9. Spawn (despite being pro Obama soup to nuts) dreamt last night that McCain won. Guess I should take away his Wilco albums.
  10. I'll be sure to get rid of all my radiohead albums. As an aside, is Wilco really Chicago's hometown band? I imagine we could comprise a list of chicago based bands that might be of a variety other than the obscure alt.country type.
  11. I could probably dig up the newspaper photo of my third grade glass dressed up in the bicentenial clothes we made out of fabric from my dad's company.
  12. Yeah, but not in '76. Don't make me count your rings.
  13. Geebus....how freaking old are you?
  14. I heard there's a good new world order thread on the radiohead board.
  15. Sirens, breaking glass, and mass hysteria.
  16. If I learned anything from the West Wing it's that when asked to serve your country you never say no. Wouldn't any possible shifts in the republican party be based on how well Obama's presidency goes and where world and national issues stand?
  17. Is that supposed to show he's down to earth or a dirt bag? Because if those were the shoes of some guy in the office I'm pretty certain everyone wouldn't be all :wub over it.
  18. Don't sweat it. There's no god so the joke is going to be on him.
  19. Can I speculate on who in present company I'd like to have gob my knob? Hint; they didn't get a 1400 on their SATs.
  20. gob knobbing does not a circle jerk make.... or sumthin'
  21. Of course, one could argue Bush has earned being called a dumbass, while Obama, well, is just black.
  22. I'm not really thinking cold roses, more that this new release is pretty mediocre as a whole. How many discs of music has he released over the last, say, 24 months? Even at half that he's prolific.
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