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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. The textile industry far eclipsed the auto industry as the largest manufacturing industry in the country. We let that go without a whimper. Fuck, few probably even realize all their clothes, bedding, towels, curtains etc etc are all made in China and Pakistan and India. The idea that we can compete against foreign companies on unlevel compensation and environmental restrictions fields is utterly ridiculous. It costs ways more to do the same thing domestically as it does offshore.
  2. I now feel bad about editing out the 'asshole' part of my earlier post.
  3. 'Mr.' Bill Ayers is going to have to find a way to reconcile that history isn't going to be kind to the fact that he blew stuff up. Way back when he may have had visions of it sparking social change or of one day being knighted, but in the end he's just a criminal he blew shit up.
  4. Steroid hearings. The guy is off the reservation.
  5. of course, since there's no god and no nothing the body is just worm food...rendering this kind of meaningless
  6. Ergs~ first song side one http://www.interpunk.com/item.cfm?Item=68688&
  7. Slip it in her back jack. Edit: this is M. Chris
  8. This pissing on your cornflakes moment sponsored by Post Cereals.
  9. I still see Kerry bumper stickers, so leave the signs up until they decompose.
  10. Holy cow. Step away from the interweb and look what you miss
  11. certainly he showed he has the patience to wait before carpet bombing.
  12. there's a large body of work on the ntkonal political stage that indicates, back against tnhe wall a candidate goes negative. The palin bump didn't put his back against the wall. Im sure the campaign believed it was a temporary bump.
  13. Race wasn't the main issue though, which is what makes it truly historic. He got elected on his merits, not as an affirmative action deal. If the economy hadn't tanked and/or McCain picked a running mate who didn't derail the campaign this easily could have swung a different way. But Obama showed stability and leadership in the campaign and that's why he won. Yes, there's historic perspective, but if it's made to be all about color that's doing everyone a disservice. It's all just stays about color then. We get stuck seeing the differences between people. Not the similarities. Not the l
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