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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I said the idea. There's really no luck in dying too young doing something that's safe.
  2. While this is undoubtly sad the idea that she died doing what she loved to do is asinine. I love racing bikes and I sure as shit don't want to die because I mishandle a descent. More than anything it reinforces the idea that aero bars are pretty freaking dangerous.
  3. I don't think we should be talking about this.
  4. I wasn't judging or the one who brought in the word noble.
  5. right. and they ran on I'm black and it's our turn (yes, I know that's a serious over simplification) and it's the thing that separates Obama from that sort of run. It revelatory for a black candiadate to run on issues and not race in a national election. I'm still not nearly as revved up about him though as I don't have much faith in the political system as it is. I think until a viable third party completely turns the whole thing on its head we're stuck with varying shades of gray.
  6. I think they were considered as much as they deserved. if either of those guys were white they wouldn't have gotten nearly as far. the shit that Sharpton pulled with Tawan Brawney (sp?) would have ended any white man's career if the colors were reversed.
  7. the discussion was about two divisive characters who did in fact run for president. they were considered, and considered loons. having spent a lifetime with Sharpton and his antics in our neck of the woods if you don't think he's off the reservation I suggest you folks move him out your way.
  8. I can't imagine much that would have set further back the breaking down of color barriers than the election of the divisive and underhanded on the sole basis of the color of their skin.
  9. christ. that said, when llynn said she'd do him it totally moved. check me in!
  10. what's the page over/under on the closure of this thread?
  11. yeah cause when the plane breaks apart at 32k feet that life vest is going to pretty useful. break the fall, perhaps?
  12. "stealing is legal up to a point"
  13. good for you, man. I'd prefer to see you try and fuck the system into change, but perhaps ambivalence is a step in the right direction.
  14. 2 hours-ish. a bit longer in a Prius.
  15. Not sure what that means, but it's the way I've gone. On the sub 50k a year I support me and my son on I'm not buying too many solar panels no matter how noble they may be. The upside to earning less is that we buy less. the answer to that would be no. factual. you should come up here some time, btw
  16. Spawn's dad

    I fear

    I just PMed that one dude that I wouldn't be downloading the new Wilco album.
  17. One of the biggest pencil mfgs is located a mere 30 miles from where I sit. I'm pretty sure that's a huge corporation also.
  18. ah. gotcha. Couldn't an alternative case can be made that one would be more noble and responsible to not even enter a tax bracket where they could afford to do such things. Seems like the kind of thing rich people do to make themselves feel better about effing up the planet so much.
  19. huh. I don't think so where I am. At the very least there's like a couple of hundred libraries in my system I can order from right on my computer and they're delivered to my library for me to pick up.
  20. you don't get brownie points for not swearing by the insertion of an asterisk. smelly Hasidim shop at walmart. fuck that place.
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