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Aunt Jemima

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About Aunt Jemima

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  1. I'm so angry at all of you (out of frustration). My school decided to block the downloading of .torrent files A WEEK before it hit oink. Anyway, if you want to send your condolences over email, my address is auntiejemima@gmail.com. Also did you know gmail gives you a ton of storage space too?
  2. Loving the artwork. I thought I was gonna have to make my own! Thanks!
  3. Awesome, I was the guy that ran up to you right before the show started and drunkenly went "Puttin it on etree?" You make my world complete sir.
  4. You know.....please don't label every idiot male as a frat boy. I'm one, and I'm pretty doggone respectful at shows.
  5. Weird, he did 48 at Huntsville too. Why oh why couldn't they have played it in Oxford?
  6. Threw this together for those of you who want itunes album art on OleDiz' recording.
  7. It was great hearing walken, and being one of the few people knowing all the words.
  8. naw, it landed harmlessly next to him. still pretty rude though.
  9. Also I saw two people recording the show, one in the frontish row, one in the fifth row. I talked to the guy in the fifth row and he told me it's going on etree soon.
  10. Other than that one drunk girl, I thought the front row was refreshingly full of energy. I was stuck back in row W, with a bunch of people sitting down. We weren't though.
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