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Clouds of Fluff

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Posts posted by Clouds of Fluff

  1. OMFC. :omg My Secret Santa completely out did themselves!! :D




    Thank you, thank you so much Miz Loretta! :cheekkiss I couldn't have picked out a better gift for myself...I don't know how you did it...but the rice bowls are gorgeous...and just, well perfect. :cheekkiss (In fact I've already been searching the internet to find more pieces in this pattern! :) ) I loved everything, and believe it or not, your timing couldn't have been more perfect either...getting this package yesterday really brightened a particularly difficult day for me. I really can't thank you enough. :hug

  2. happy birthday my love :wub


    If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

    When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.


    Kind (Analog)man, I give you my all, Kind (Analog)man, nothing more.


    Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.

    My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,

    together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.

    An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see.


    And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,

    Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.

    Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.

    If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

    When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.



    Wow. I can't top that, so let me just say:






    Hope it's a good one, sir! :)

  3. I loved looking around The Bellagio (there's a gorgeous glass sculpture hanging from the ceiling as you walk in, gardens, and the fountain show if fun too) and The Venetian. If you go to New York New York, there's a really yummy Italian "sidewalk cafe" complete with an Italian waiter to sing for you...we had an amazing brunch there. I highly recommend walking around the old part of Vegas.


    That's all I got right now. :)



    edit: yeah, what poppy said about The Bellagio! :lol

  4. :heehee


    :cheekkiss :canada



    I would have to agree with San Fran, Chicago, San Diego, and Austin. I like KC a lot too, although I 'spose the familiarity thing lessens it's luster a bit. ;) I also tend to like smaller cities and towns though.


    Other big cities I think I would like to visit are NYC, Nashville, and Minnie (I now have family in Rochester). I'm curious about Atlanta and Memphis too.


    edit: I'd like to see more of Little Rock too. The river area was really cool.

  5. Lots of vibes for fast healing and better sleeping for your little guys, your wife, and you, El Ron. {{{{vibes}}}}


    Keep us updated if you can. You are so right...parenting isn't for pussies...but both kiddos are obviously getting the love and care they both need thanks to you and your wife and the hospital staff. In the mean time, hang in there, things will be better soon. :)

  6. :birthday :birthday :birthday :birthday :birthday

    :birthday :birthday :birthday :birthday :birthday





    To two amazing, beautiful, talented, high-larious womens!! :cheekkiss :cheekkiss It's a privilege to call you both friends. :hug :hug



    :wub It really is a wonder VC hasn't exploded from your combined greatness. :wub




    p.s. Thanks for not leaving me in southern Missouri girls, even though I'm still recovering from the trauma of the "alternate" hazing rituals. :blink (Edie, I'm looking at you too! :brow :cheekkiss)



  7. well i got a pleasant surprise early this morning when i finally made it home and a package was waiting for me! :D I got some yummy juji fruits (which i can't get here in canada) and jujubes, and a wicked t-shirt for a college radio station in Grinnell. :shifty Thanks so much secret santa!! :cheekkiss


    :brow :shifty



    (hey, I know of someone in Grinnell...awesome haul! :thumbup)

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