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Posts posted by dondoboy

  1. > The months after Jay left were unquestionably the worst months of Wilco. The shows were empty sound-wise


    i'm one of the people who think its their best. they may be more polished these days but i love that stripped down sound they had from septemeber to november 2001

    I loved those shows too. It felt wide open. It proved to me how amazing Glenn is and how John is such an important part of this band.


    And I would say the worst months of Wilco were the months just prior to Jay leaving. That huge, bombast sound was awful.

  2. Can't be underrated. Some GREAT songs for a "kids" album. I may be in the minority, but I love his contributions to the Singles soundtrack. Esp. Waiting for Somebody.

    I've always loved those "Singles" songs too. I'm really hard pressed to think of any bad stuff. Of course I'm blinded by my love for his stuff...

  3. what's the best record for a Westerberg newb to check out?

    Well, if its Westerberg solo I would get "14 Songs". Its a good intro. If we're talking about his best stuff, go out and buy The Replacements "Let It Be", "Tim", and "Hootenanny". You should get it all. Blow a whole paycheck, sell your car, sell your pants, give away your kid brother. Its worth it.

  4. why was this pulled? I've listened to 49:00 but didn't care much for it. maybe it'll take a few listens to like. then again, I've never heard a Paul Westerberg song in my life, to my knowledge, since before listening to 49:00.

    Really!? Do yourself a favor and go get all you can get your hands on.

  5. The voice comments are slightly more relevant than the fat jokes though. That said I did laugh at Jules' original post, and for the most part this thread has been one of the more productive conversations I've seen about Bennett on VC in my time here. People tend to be very passionate one way or the other on Bennett and usually these devolve into pissing contests quite quickly. Thankfully the worst offenders have stayed away thus far.


    I hadn't considered the possibility that Bennett would have caused the band to split, I'm pretty sure if he'd had continued to be a problem (in this hypothetical scenario) he would have just got canned. Though I am not sure how much longer Tweedy and Bennett could have taken the psychological toll their working relationship seemed to be taking on both of them. And YHF really seemed to be a perfect storm, would Jay really want to do all that work producing those tracks and then decide to turn over the mixing to Jim O'Rourke each time out (though it worked better than anything they'd done before or since). And if Bennett got healthy as well would that affect the way they wrote music? Was the secret behind their success the tension? Who knows?



    OK, now I feel bad about the fat jokes.


    So for redemption sake, I think if Jay had stayed in the band it would have imploded. Some creative tension is healthy and promotes the right amount of competition. That kind of playful banter may have made the making of Summerteeth a pretty good movie. And if we only use the movie as a guide to the problems the band was having we'd be leaving out Coomer's departure and a new drummer coming in. The scenes in the movie that have Jay alone, before the split say tons about what kind of guy he is every day. Not the kind of guy I'd like to spend any time with.


    And if the point of this thread is to say that the songs are less impressive or the band is less experimental and Sky Blue Sky is the proof then I say listen to it again. It took me a while to half understand the complexity that lays inside those deceptively simple songs. I don't believe that Jay could have added anything to those songs. I think that had Jeff and John known Pat or Nels or had the opportunity to ask them to join the band in 1997 I think they would have.


    And a singer's voice matters. That's why Jay wasn't the singer.

  6. I'm guessing you haven't even heard it, right? Nice opinion though.



    Oh, and, great thread!

    No, I wasted the time to download it, listen to it and drag it to the trash the next day. Time I could have spent listening to something decent.


    And, while Jay has always gotten on my nerves as far as his songwriting goes, I always give a guy a chance. I'd love to be surprised by something he does, which is why I listened to it. But, once again, he just doesn't have the talent that he thinks he has. Maybe next time. I've got time.

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