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Posts posted by dondoboy

  1. wow. There are a ton of empty seats.


    That's the Jacobs family for you. They jacked prices up after last year's playoff appearance. They complain about not having enough fans, but they don't make it easy for fans to afford tickets to more than one game. I'm going to about 10 games this year (one in Montreal too), but all of those seats are under a student discount. The season opener was sold out, and it was a great atmosphere.


    Last year the cheapest tickets were $10, this year: $16.50 for last row on some games, $26.50 next 3-7 rows down. Gross. Plus, any "Gold" games (like Canadiens, Red Wings, etc.) the price for last row goes up to $33.50.


    The Bruins' fan base is very limited because so many people are tired of disappointment, and when they can follow the Sox, Celts, and Pats, why bother with the Bruins?


    But there are still some die hards, but you won't see us buying the $200 seats.

    The empty seat thing is weird. Happened in Detroit last year a bit. Very strange on a Stanley Cup run. Maybe everyone was in the can.


    For the life of me I still can't figure out why Detroit is in the Western conference!

  2. i think it can be left at that.

    Nah, it shouldn't be left at that. I'm sure there's some idiot out there that would call Richard Marx art (or entertainment, for that matter). And instead of slapping them, they should be told..." it ain't art, but here's an alternative. Take a listen to this. I don't know that this is art either, but its gonna blow your socks off."


    And then give them a Wire record.

  3. Can we all agree, no matter what side we are on, that Palin is dumb? Fuck, I've got someone on another board actually trying to defend her and say that she's the most qualified person on the ticket because she has more executive experience than any of them. Holy shit! She's fucking dumb! Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

    Well, being dumb isn't necessarily a disqualifier for being President. Check the White House out now.

  4. How is it Radioheads fault if they're fan base isn't doing anything to change the world?


    I can't think of any rock band that led a social movement, marketing might lead some to believe otherwise.



    As for the subject matter of their material, its art. If you want something different, listen to more albums. I never understood this argument against Radioheads music, is there any band that has a record to suit every mood? I think there are only a small number of places that "rock" music goes, I can't even begin to think of being musically satisfied by listening to one band.


    Well, I'd say the Beatles led a social movement, Bob Dylan did (even while denying it), Elvis Presely did.


    And I wouldn't call their subject matter art. Doggerel maybe.

  5. "The secular world is rooted in truth and the wholesale rejection of myth and superstition." I don't buy that for a minute. If that were the case, we would have to dismiss some damn good writers, artists, and songwriters.

  6. "Please don't cry

    This world of words and meanings makes you feel


    Something that you feel already

    deep inside

    You've denied

    Go ahead and cry"


    Not very trite in my opinion.. But hey, I also love Hotel Arizona which I haven't seen a single positive post about that song in this thread, so what do I know. :lol

    Here's a kind word about Hotel Arizona; I've always thought it was one of the best songs on Being There. I would never skip it. In fact when its over, I often play that track again. Having said that, I don't care for On and On and On. I don't know if its trite (I got smacked around pretty good for calling a lot of the songs on SBS trite), but I know its not amazing.


    Oh and I think Shake It Off is pretty damned good too.

  7. Pete is a great rhythm player and a good (but not great) lead player.


    Besides, it's his songwriting... now, that is a thing of beauty.


    Oh and one more myth to explode:


    Jimmy Page played the guitar solo on The Kinks' "You Really Got Me".


    I remember Ray Davies saying something to the effect of, "If Page played that solo then I produced all of Led Zeppelin's albums".

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