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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Chikita Violenta "The Stars and Suns Sessions"
  2. At first I didn't like the first album very much, especially compared to Waiting For The Time. But I like it the more I listen. NP
  3. I agree. I didn't hear the demos but this album is nice enough.
  4. This is the dude from Wolf Parade.
  5. If you have a PC try this: http://www.last.fm/group/iSproggler If you have a Mac try this: http://www.last.fm/group/iScrobbler I have a Mac and the iScrobbler works great.
  6. That's who he opened for when I saw him in '97. Great show.
  7. I didn't realize he had something scheduled for this year. 2007 gets better each day.
  8. In alphabetical order: A Sunny Day In Glasgow The Apples in Stereo The Besnard Lakes Blonde Redhead The Broken West Bill Callahan Dinosaur Jr Field Music Low Menomena Mice Parade Panda Bear David Vandervelde Voxtrot Just heard the National this morning and I am sure it will be on this list later.
  9. I am excited about the Afghan Whigs book. I've read Let it Be (Replacements) and have Meat is Murder and Bee Thousand but haven't read them yet.
  10. That's the only Bill Bryson book I've read and I really enjoyed it.
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