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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. I saw her open for Tweedy a couple years ago in Raleigh. Pretty good from what I remember of her. I didn't rush out to buy any of her music, but I've seen alot worse.


    My brother introduced me to Jenniffer's music, which I've really gotten into. I wish she was opening up for them in Spokane.

    Does anyone know anything about the "Fleet Foxes"? I've never heard of them...


    I just checked and they added a date in Idaho...maybe i can convince my friend to go to that one, and then to Spokane... :shifty

  2. Seconded. That's one of my favorite things. :thumbup


    ditto! it sounded amazing!


    another great show from the guys. i was upfront again and had a pretty good time, except for two drunks who kept on trying to get everyone to "dance" and started squishing everyone against the rail. :realmad but we put them in there place! i got to hear several more songs that I'd never heard live before which made me wicked happy!


    i really freakin' love Wilco. :wub that's all there is to it!

  3. Wow! Last night was the most fun I have had at a wilco show! As bbop said, the place was small and I was able to grab a spot right against the stage. The audience was relatively quiet during the softer songs, but throughout the entire show you could hear everyone singing along, which I loved! The audience was so excited and appreciative throughout the night and that energy just fed into the energy onstage.


    Well, for now that's it. I will be going to Missoula today and can't wait! I also can't wait to get outta this hostel where this chick in our room is still snoring. Not a wink of sleep last night! At one point I thought about smothering her, but then I remembered you guys still use capital punishment down here.

  4. My Grandma died October 20th of last year. I miss her all the time and I've been thinking about her a lot recently because my birthday is coming up and I don't think she had ever missed a celebration in all of my 20 years.


    The thing about my grandma was that she would always tell you exactly what she thought, no matter what. This was amusing, for the most part, unless you were the one she was disagreeing with. But she always did everything out of love. She lived with us for most of my childhood and my siblings and I probably dragged her to the park 1000 times and made her watch Dark Crystal over and over again. She loved us so much and always did small little things for us. She never had a lot of money, but she is probably the most generous person I have ever met.


    One memory that always makes me chuckle is "The Great Christmas Tree Incident of 2003", where after opening the gifts on christmas morning, the tree fell on grandma! She was fine, not a scratch on her, and my entire family couldn't stop laughing!


    :cheekkiss to grandma, and to everyone who's lost someone

  5. Ok, so I'm taking two of my best friends on a mini road trip to go see Wilco in Montana. We are all really short on money, so initially I was planning on finding some campgrounds to stay at each night. But from what I've been reading online, all of the sites I've looked at don't open until May 15th. Please correct me if you know otherwise! I have found a little hostel in Bozeman, and I am about to email them about reserving some beds for that night. But I haven't found any info about hostels in Missoula.


    Does anyone know of any hostels or cheap places to stay in Missoula? I was also wondering if during the summer months the university there rents out any of the dorm rooms?


    Thanks for any help! :cheekkiss

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