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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. I got home early this morning after watching Ani Difranco close the festival. I had an amazing weekend and wanted to share all the great music that i discovered with you guys (this is gonna be long, so bare with me). I wasn't able to get enough time off of work, so I missed the Thursday night mainstage acts, but I caught most of the other mainstage acts.


    Thursday July 24

    5:30 - 10:00 pm



  2. Envision that car, and particularly it's engine, wrapped in white light. Seriously.




    i am hoping to hear some good news ( :nailbite ) about my car tomorrow. thanks for all of the happy car vibes!

  3. Well, yeah, but your reasoning for it makes it sound altruistic. Democrats are politicians too, and they'll do as much to take advantage of a situation as republicans (and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise).


    again, i agree with you here.


    i don't care about your democrats and republicans. MOST politicians will latch onto an issue and make speeches/pronouncements about it just to get more votes or further their career . yeah i know that.


    but IN THEORY, it should not be seen as a negative thing when a politician or party is responsive to the concerns of their constituents and therefore start speaking out on an issue or putting policy initiatives forward that would reflect those concerns. do i think that this occurs perfectly in most systems of government, no i don't. but i wish it did.

  4. I hope you don't criticize the right for 'exploiting' people's terrorism fears.



    And I don't agree that the right made it a political issue. Both sides actively took sides on the issue.


    my main point was just that i disagreed with your initial statement about how politicians change their tune only because the voters do. to me, that is EXACTLY a politicians job. to represent people and their views, which are not static things. when issues like global warming start to be major concerns for citizens, then it is a politicians job to represent their constituents views and concerns within the government apparatus.


    but i do agree with you about the left manipulating the fears about global warming and turning it into a left/right divide. just as the right have exploited peoples fear of terrorism.

  5. It didn't become the party's pet issue until it became a big thing amongst voters.


    to me, that is a sign of good government/responsible representation. the government should work for the people. the governments job is all about representing the people and talking about issues/policy that concern citizens. a responsive government is a sign that citizens interests and concerns are being listened to and being taken seriously. much of the time, the government is unresponsive to the concerns of citizens, and I see that as a much larger problem.

  6. Eeeeks! I need some major car vibes people! yesterday, just as i backed out of the driveway and put my car into drive, it just died on me. :( it just rolled back into the driveway, and i couldn't get it started again. i was on my way to work, so instead i tried getting my mom's pathfinder started, but it too is having battery problems. so after several tries boosting the pathfinder, it finally started and i was able to get to work.


    tomorrow morning i will call the towtruck and get it taken into the shop to see what's wrong with my little car. i have a fear that it is something big, like the transmission. i only paid $1900 for my car (its a '97 dodge neon) 3 years ago, so i might end up just having to get a new car. this will seriously dent the "wilco" fund i have going on, and would probably require a major loan from the bank of mom and dad.


    think happy car thoughts people!

  7. i just submitted mine. here it is:


    1. A Ghost is Born- Wilco

    2. Nighthawks at the Diner- Tom Waits

    3. Stop Making Sense- The Talking Heads

    4. After The Goldrush- Neil Young

    5. London Calling- The Clash

    6. Live 1966: The Royal Albert Hall Concert- Bob Dylan

    7. Kid A- Radiohead

    8. Bringing it all Back Home -Bob Dylan

    9. Sky Blue Sky- Wilco

    10. Yell Fire!- Michael Franti and Spearhead

    11. ( ) - Sigur Ros

    12. The Mysterious Production of Eggs- Andrew Bird

    13. Ys- Joanna Newsom

    14. The Boxer -The National

    15. Funeral- Arcade Fire

    16. The Band- The Band

    17. Nights Fall Over Kortedala- Jens Lekman

    18. You Forget it in People- Broken Social Scene

    19. The Blue Notebooks- Max Richter

    20. Let it be...Naked- The Beatles

  8. - Calgary Folk Festival July25-27 (ANDREW BIRD!!!!!)

    -Camping at Writing On Stone

    -Camping/kayaking/picnicing in Waterton

    -BBQ's every saturday night

    -Wilco roadtrip to Boise, Idaho and Spokane, Washington in August

    -Seeing Sigur Ros with my brother and sister in Vancouver

    -swimming in the rivers/lakes

    -sleeping with the windows wide open

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