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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. He's also pissing off Quebec by dissing the Bloc (their MPs were elected by Canadians - yes, Quebec counts too!) which isn't exactly great for national unity... or his chances of winning a majority in the future.


    thanks for saying that Judy. :thumbup It annoys me that everyone (well, not everyone...) keeps referring to the Bloc Quebecois as if it were a party from hell or something. Granted, I certainly don't want Quebec to separte from Canada, but people need to realize that as least in this past election, separatism was a non-issue. The people who voted for the BQ voted for them because they believed that the BQ would best protect Quebec culture. They didn't run on a separatist platform. Dion and Layton didn't make a deal with the devil, as the Conservatives keep on alluding to. It's just ridiculous.


    I can't believe that the GG went along with Harper. I mean really. I think having a coalition government leading Parliament, no matter how shakey it may be, is better than having NO parliament in session at all. :realmad

  2. Well, I'm pretty excited to see what happens this week. The Liberals and NDP with the support of the Bloc Quebecois have agreed on a deal to form a coalition government if the Conservative Party receives a vote of non-confidence (which it looks like they will). If the Governor General doesn't call for another election (which I think would be doubtful, being as we just had one), and if current PM Stephen Harper doesn't suspend Parliament, then it looks like Canada could have itself a coalition government.


    Here's a CBC article that lays is out: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/01/...tion-talks.html


    I am all for it. It may fail, perhaps nothing will get done, but as far as I'm concerned anything is better than the ping pong game between Liberals and Conservatives, who in reality aren't all that different in many policy positions. Yes, this coalition is dominated by Liberal cabinet ministers, but at least the NDP will be in a position of power as well.


    Many people are calling this move undemocratic, but I have to disagree. With the Liberal/NDP coalition and the support of the BQ, more Canadians would be represented in the new government. The Conservatives only received 37% of the vote back in October. And that is from the record low turnout of 59.1%. The other three parties represent 54. 41% of those who voted. Majority rules, no?


    I guess I am more in favour of this than other people because I am firmly against the first-past-the-post electoral system and I see this as a step in a different direction. I am not naive. I don't believe that the possible coalition government created this plan purely out of their concern for Canadians. It's about power (partially, anyways). But at least the distribution of power will change. As I said, however, I am excited to see what happens.

  3. Glad to hear you had a good time! As we all know, Bob can be hit-or-miss but when he's on...you can get the goosebumps from head to toe.


    Indeed! :yes


    calvino, I'm glad you had a good time. That setlist looks great! I would have loved to hear Time Have Changed and The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carol! :rock

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