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Posts posted by blindgonzo

  1. By the way, if you do ever get a chance to go to Missoula, I would highly recommend it. It's a great small college town. Although it seems to be growing fast.


    I was just in Missoula when Wilco was in town a month ago, and I thought it was pretty cute. However, I liked Bozeman a lot better. It had a cuter downtown area, the town itself was smaller, i ate at a really good restaurant, lots of interesting little shops to look around in, and the people were really great. I haven't been anywhere else in Montana, but if you have a chance check out Bozeman!

  2. To all of you papa's out there, I hope you had a wicked day and got spoiled by your kids! :cheekkiss


    I worked all day, but when i got home my mom made some bbq'd shrimp and salmon :eat , dad finished watching golf, and we ate on the patio on this lovely evening. I got my dad a special edition DVD of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and a 2-cd set of some wicked blues tunes.


    HAPPY DAD Day!!!

  3. The only time I've ever cried was during, strangely enough, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.


    To explain: the scene on top of Minas Tirith, when King Elessar (:woot) and his Lady Arwen walk down that path towards the four Hobbits, and the Hobbits start to bow to their new King (obviously). But then, bam! King Elessar says "No, we bow to you" lor something akin to it, and the whole giant top of Minas Tirith all bows and etc. to the Hobbits. A scene so epic in its epic-ness that I shed tears.


    I'm not kidding at all.


    this just created a full belly laugh outta me! not because i think you're silly for crying, but because my brother, two sisters, father (most of all him!), and myself were blubbering away at this part! the funny part was that we were all trying soooooo hard to hold it in, and the result were these hilarious sounding whimpers, at least until we all cracked and just started laughing/crying out loud.

  4. Anything can set me off. I start to tear up just seeing someone else cry, no matter how cheesy/bad the scene is. However, most of my "most tissues needed" moments have tended to be caused from some very tough scenes from the following movies:


    American History X - this was the first movie that made me sob. and i mean all-out-snot-rolling-down-face-can't-catch-my-breath-kind of sob.

    Requiem for a Dream

    The House of Sand and Fog- my sister and I went to see this one in the theatre, BIG MISTAKE! both of us couldn't stop crying the entire last 1/2 hour of the movie



    and I definitely agree with those of you who put down In America. man, that one even got my mom to cry, and she's a STONE!

  5. Dearest Jeff,

    Please do a Western Canada tour. You've never done anything extensive like this before. We love your music just as much as people in America.



    p.s. I'll make sure no one throws you drugs this time.


    hell yeah! i've said it before and i'll say it again, jeff needs to do a solo tour across canada! he'd get tonnes of love out here!

  6. So will you be going to both? Jesus, I'm tempted. My issue is the cash factor. Although I may have a place I could stay down there....is that show GA?

    Ah. Just looked it up...looks like a beautiful venue! Hmmm.


    i still haven't bought tickets yet. i really really really want to make it down there though. I'm waiting on my road trip buddy to find out whether or not she can get enough time off of work :pray yeah, the accommodations part of the trip is always the most expensive, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

  7. YAY!!! I'm in the same row...see you there. I'm excited to show off my decade long obsession with my hometown friends!! I wish I could make the Boise show....but that's a long trek.


    yeah, it would be a 12 hour drive for me to get down to Boise, but I figure it'd be worth it to see Wilco outdoors in a vineyard!

  8. Hey thanks everyone! It's been a pretty good celebration so far. Last weekend I had a yummy birthday fondue with my family and friends, and tonight my boss is throwing me a party and then we're all going out to karaoke!! should be a good time.


    thanks again for the well wishes! :cheekkiss you guys rock!

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