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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. The Republicans never complained when Clinton was in office!
  2. I agree but who are the phone companies supposed to ask?
  3. well yeah but they were asked by the federal govt to do this. its not like retroactive immunity for something they were trying to hide from the govt. at least the administration, justice and so forth.
  4. I dont think the phone companies should be sued for handing over something the govt was asking them to. I am so against warantless wiretapping you have no idea. I think its the worst thing ever along with gitmo and abu gharib. With warantless wiretapping the white house could say "we think terrorists have infiltrated DNC headquarters were going to tap the line" and noone would ever know.
  5. I dont mind the retroavtive immunity so much if there are guarantees it wont happen again. this doesnt seem right to me
  6. You guys seen this??? Im sure its been discussed but is that list the end all be all?
  7. what about the hospital's money???!!! you are going to force hospitals to treat people without insurance?? what if they dont recover their money?
  8. ikol youre a pre med it seems. what should a hospital do when an illegal immigrant shows up with his arm cut off?? who should pay for it?
  9. have you ever heard of medicare and medicaid? do you believe in those programs?
  10. there are photos of her from the last few months on here. she looks terrific
  11. Greg you got a taste of Chicago weather here yesterday and today
  12. what would you say happened under Clinton?? do you make more than 250K a year?
  13. damn mean bunch around here i tell ya! Jules and Jude how bout you post a pic and we can talk about you.
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