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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. I was watching Law and Order the other night. Some kid had been anal raped and came into school with his pants soaked in blood and they showed it. Then on CSI they showed some dead woman at the morgue whos vag had been cut out and you could see the bloody area under the sheet etc
  2. Baby Jesus from a Virgin Mother Noah's Ark Water into Wine Walking on Water Loaves of Bread and Fishes Curing a blind man Crucified and rose three days later Prayer Communion Baptism Being Born Again Heaven Hell Purgatory Angels Miracles Armageddon
  3. BWAH! Because Christians and Muslims would NEVER do that!!!!!!!
  4. Thanks. This is exactly what I thought would happen with it.
  5. Dana Delany An actual beautiful AND brilliant woman nowadays would have to be As far as older women are concerned Ive always had a soft spot for:
  6. Heard on NPR this morning that unbeknownst to him both of his parents were Jewish
  7. And how is any of this different from any other religion?
  8. That My Back Pages is UNTOUCHABLE!
  9. I thought proactive was zit medicine? I can understand your point. I dont think Pamela Anderson looks good at all or Kelly Ripa.
  10. god you are full of shit. you would melt if she spoke to you. the thing about her is that she's NOT a barbie type. shes just young and looks damn good. shes not all that made up as you can see.
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