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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Dems better watch out for McCain. Hes the only R on planet earth that has a bats chance in hell. thanks for the insight. youre still a republican after the last 8 years???!! WHY?
  2. Congratulations Hillary! Great win and here's to a battle royal. May the best person win As long as its Obama Clinton or Edwards Im happy. I'll never understand the negativity towards Hillary from the "progressives" but I never understood how John Kerry lost so what the hell do I know? Again GREAT win!
  3. I thought he was a Republican! you are correct sir.
  4. get over myself?? thats rich coming from you. go vote for ron paul and stick yer head further in the sand.
  5. Who is Barack Obama? Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice. If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it. We checked this out on "snopes.com". It is factual. Check for yourself. Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Du
  6. well considering that there are 50 million or more "Republicans" hell bent on running this country the idea of collective action within a party appeals to me and seems absolutely neccessary for any progressive action. Im a proud Democrat and very proud of my party's record.
  7. The Democrats have gone along with it every step of the way??!!! geez IMO its an act of living in Washington most of the last ten years and on and off since 87. I feel like Ive got a pretty strong grasp on how things work. Thanks.
  8. Are you saying Im wrong?? like what?
  9. The only reason things are broken at this point is THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Me thinks things were pretty damn good back in 99. I'll take the country in that state any time. Thanks for playing.
  10. good lord. stay in NYC and let us run the country down here.
  11. Didnt I just see it a few months ago in Charlottesville?? I LOVE LOVE LURVE AM! Almost every song on the album is a masterpiece IMO Henneman kills it! He saved their asses
  12. We should do away with the jury system and lawyers and lawsuits. If a doctor accidentally kills someone or someone
  13. boo hoo. the poor doctors are barely making it. pfft
  14. the most underrated part of On and On and On is
  15. Democrats better watch the hell out if McCain wins the nomination. I hope its Chuckabee. Id like to think that he would get crushed in the general election, but after 04 and what they did to John Kerry, who knows what could happen.
  16. does that include drug companies??
  18. you grow the fuck up. youre insulting me personally and I dont even know you son. I never said any such thing about another party or person running. Anyone should be free to run and do what they want and Im free to think what I want about that. i.e. f nader Gore needed 537 votes. If you dont think that many of Nader's 97,000 votes would have gone that way then whatever.
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