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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. agreed. NOTHING better than listening to Christians or people who have Christians in their family bag on Scientology. HAHAHHAAHAHAHA Go take another communion and eat the flesh of the savior and drinkith his blood. then fucketh off.
  2. Screw that guy! New Orleans and the 930 are going to be my LAST SHOWS! Do you think he'll play "D.Boon" at the 930??? With the Nels/Mike Watt connection it should be a staple like Hummingbird or Jesus in Germany
  4. what do you do? in the tech world dice.com rules your face
  5. A Long Time Ago has been played live??!! You can hear me asking for it on the Raleigh solo show and Jeff says "That WAS a long time ago" and then doesnt play it :-( I LOVE that song.
  6. Ive really been getting into Lanegan lately. I'll be at the 930 for sure.
  7. Long Time Ago on the last album is one of the most underrated songs in the history of history
  8. ahhh. I see. True and he could pull it off but he looks like he has real bags under his eyes :-) He looks rough
  9. He cant write a whole show five nights a week. Hes already doing a bit of a monologue and fills the air time with something. Im sure thats impossible enough. He is growing that beard on purpose and it looks crazy as hell.
  10. Its kind of fun to watch actually. He has no material so last night he rode around on a little girls bike, spun his wedding ring on his desk, and sent an audience member up to raid the snack machine. He looks haggard as all hell with his beard. I dont know how much longer they can put on a show.
  11. Krauthammer, Perle, Rush and Dennis Miller are all insane morons. Its not even a debate.
  12. Fuck the President. Hes a blood soaked maniac. 4000 dead. Six yesterday and noone gives a FLYING SHIT. NOONE. It was barely reported and their names will never be known all for some pie in the sky bullshit plan.
  13. if by "throwing away" you mean making sure old ladies can eat then yeah.
  14. what should we do with sick illegal immigrants?? what should we do with one that's arm is cut off?? please answer. thanks.
  15. please take woody guthrie's picture off of your sig. thanks. kay. bye.
  16. and I guess thats President Clinton's fault right?? NOT ONE WORD about terrorism was uttered by and Republicna before 9/11 and dont even try and say it was.
  17. Its not hard to understand. We dont believe President Clinton's vision was "failed" or that he f*cked up. We believe in the way he governed and the outcome of his policies and want to return to that America except even better. Nothing in the dem platform is recycled from President Bush I can assure you that. We have our own ideas on how to do things wholly seperate from him and his party. I dont see how informed folks such as yourself cant see that.
  18. I always loved how Hillary was a lesbian that was screwing Vince Foster so Slick had him killed in Fort Marcy Park
  19. Who wouldn't if given the chance?
  20. please give us that list. id like to hear that one. you think streisand and tim robbins are on the same level as hannity and limbaugh?? al franken is like coulter?? ummmm DUH! Are you saying you think the Democrats and Republicans are both on the right sides of every issue?? Name an issue that the Dems are on the wrong side of. I can name 20 right off the bat that I think the Republicans are on the wrong side of.
  21. why would any conservative vote for Obama?? would you vote for Hillary?? why dont you like McCain??
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