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Posts posted by froggie

  1. I'm a little surprised the Beatles aren't listed under influences...


    yep. there was a time when i was listening to When you wake up feeling old, at low volume in the office. a guy beside me asked "is that sgt pepper?"

  2. Jeff's voice quality, the actual sound of his voice, fits so well with the rest of the music. It's soothing to hear such a thing as opposed to a singer who "competes" with their voice against the music. As the band's sound has matured, Jeff's voice quality and confidence have increased as well. I like hearing the growth from album to album and I am extremely anxious to hear where the next one takes them.


    i'm amazed at how jeff's voice seems to change on every album, but still sounds great every time. it seems like its on the verge of breaking/cracking at times but it never does (well... see below). after the sort of nasal tone of his voice on AGIB, which still sounded great, i love the way he seems to be pulling the smoother, higher notes out of his bellows nowadays, like on What light and walken


    speaking of cracking, i always get a laugh out of this little passage:





  3. that is great.


    another: people who honk really loud at you when you're running. they think it's encouragement, but seriously, you just scare the shit outta us.


    ha.. i remember a story our supervisor told us. he was riding his bike along the side of the road and a car was going beside him. it honked the horn and at the same, the guy in the passenger side (non pun intended) leaped half his body out the window and screamed BOO!... it made my supervisor fall off his bike :lol


    i gotta find these people and buy them a :beer

  4. just giving this another listen now... it occured to me like a bolt of lightning that i really love this verse..


    and if the whole world's singing along

    and all of your paintings have been hung

    just remember what was yours

    is everyone's from now on

  5. this morning, i was going down the escalator at the station and these crusty old hags in front of me were blocking the way.... stand on left, walk on right is the rule. then, in macedonian one said to the other "isnt it funny when you stand like this and the people behind cant get through, ha ha?"


    SO, understanding the language, i replied in macedonian "no it not - get a move on"


    that shut them up and turned their faces red :thumbup

  6. All this AGIB talk got me to pull up the Austin City Limits performance from January 2005 (recorded September '04). Gotta love Tivo. Anyway, if you can get over Jeff's appearance (he doesn't look well), some great performances of a few of the AGIB songs, and pretty true to the album (plus Nels and Pat of course). You can see most of them on youtube right now. ALTWYS, Muzzle of Bees, Hell is Chrome & I'm a Wheel.


    he actually looks pretty good on that one...

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