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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. That is truly laughable. Writing a listenable political song about about a very specific topic/corporation/etc. can't be easy and should rarely be attempted. Neil Young supposedly "doesn't give a shit" and all of that, but it doesn't make him any less delusional.


    What I would like to know is Lukas and Micah Nelson's true opinion of the song. Also, what does Willie think about it? I can imagine the conversation: "When Neil said that he wanted us as his band, we were psyched! Neil Fucking Young! But Jesus H. Christ, Dad! These songs suck. What do we do? And don't say get high because even you couldn't smoke enough to tolerate this crap."

  2. The only one I can think of is Wilco opening for Sheryl Crow. Or that time I caught Mozart opening for Salieri, maybe.

    Yes! I was going to go with that one until I remembered how much Stevie Ray embarrassed Huey. Well, that's how I felt. Most of the crowd seemed to want Stevie to shut the fuck up so they could hear choice cuts from Sports.

  3. Remphish,

    The things in Avalon, the area that St. John's is in, that I'd say are musts: Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve (North America's most accessible seabird colony. Amazing. You can sit and watch 1000s from about 50 feet. The gannets were my favorites), Brigus-

    a postcard perfect historic coastal town, Cupids - the oldest English settlement in Canada, Ferryland- an old coastal settlement with Irish heritage and of course, St. John's, a great place to walk around and take it all in. If you are in St. John's on a Friday, make sure you go to the Quidi Vidi Brewery, for the "Kitchen Party" starting at 5:30. Happy hour beers, a local band playing traditional Newfie music and cool covers done in Newfie trad style, plus free fish stew! It's filled with locals. Go, even if you can't make the kitchen party. A beautiful little fishing village, the perfect place to have a few pints. Of course, make your way up Signal Hill, you'll likely see icebergs. If you are able to make the drive, Trinity and and Bonavista are in the East, but fairly close and worth it. Also, if you are into fossils, the Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve in Avalon, has fossil-bearing surfaces that are 575 million years old. We were moved.


    If you haven't already done so, order the free Travelers Guide from newfoundlandandLabrador.com I found it very helpful. The website itself, run by the touristry board, is great. They also have a handy app.


  4. We were in Newfoundland for 12 or 13 days last summer. We flew into St. John's and saw icebergs from the plane. One of our best travels ever, and that's saying something. Make sure that you take the extra time to go to L'anse aux Meadows. It's worth it. I'd tell you more but I've got to go. I'd be happy to talk about our experience, offer tips, answer questions, etc. you will love it. We loved Nova Scotia a few years earlier, but Newfoundland was better.


    Edit: I just saw that you'll only have 4 days. Wow. The top spots are far from one another, long drives. Consider forgoing St. John's and the eastern sites. Look into flying into Deer Lake and just doing the 2 UNESCO World Heritage sites of Gros Morne National Park and L'Anse Aux Meadows National Historic Site. You'll get icebergs, the Viking settlement (a must) and fishing villages at L'Anse and fjords, the Tablelands (the Earth's mantle exposed from 100s of 1000s of years ago, hiking on them is truly awesome), and wildlife and other natural beauty.

  5. Hmm, three FL shows in a row featuring Monday and two in a row with Hate It Here. Wonder if there's a message in there? Jeff is known for writing the lyrics "I loathe the sun." :lol

    I always thought that every time since Being There that I've seen them in the F L A, that they've played Monday, was because it was a nod to the lyrics.

  6. TREMENDOUS--- show- Rockin--really up-BEAT-- GREAT SOUND--------was that the Sammy Hagar influenced version of Kamera?....................could be..................... 

    Regarding Sammy Hagar, I found it quite ironic when Jeff asked for a show of hands of all who were at the Sammy Hagar show the night before. He said that he wondered how much crossover Wilco had. I'd wager that there is more fan crossover between Wilco and Sammy Hagar than between Wilco and Royal Thunder.


    I have an alternate universe fantasy where Royal Thunder comes out and plays their first song, then Jeff comes out and says, "We're just having a laugh. Some of you might have seen our real opener last night. Please welcome Sammy Hagar and The Circle!". The crowd goes wild, more out of relief than Hagar love.


    Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine anyone in Wilco cueing up a Royal Thunder album for their listening pleasure.

  7. Yes on all accounts. As soon as they launched into Red Eyed..., my wife and I immediately turned to each other, sharing "This is going to be a special night" looks.


    We came back upstairs just after Royal Thunder (gah!), and had spectacular views 1/3 to 1/4 of the way back, standing between Jeff and John. Someone just behind us was smoking pot every second song. The smell was constant. I was surprised that they were never busted. They had to be freaking baked.

  8. The combo of We 've Been Had followed by Give Back the Key to My Heart goes back to the Uncle Tupelo days.

    I wish I had seen that.

    Yes it does. Jeff even prefaced with how he and John had been in Wilco together for 20 years but they'd been in a band together, looking at John, "for what 23-24 years?". John concurred. Jeff said that there where going to play 2 songs from that band, Uncle Tupelo. Then they attacked them with love.

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