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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. I agree that it's a "wide net" but sometimes an entirely new genre develops from an existing one. Personally, that's how I feel about hip-hop and rap. Rock and roll has it's roots in blues, country, etc. but it is considered rock and roll, not a style of blues, for example. I see hip-hop as similarly having it's roots in soul, funk, dub, R&B, rock and roll, etc. but is a distinct genre in and of itself.


    Again, if the artists themselves don't call their music rock and roll, then what's the point? I'd be willing to bet that if you asked someone who listened to rap/hip-hop exclusively if they liked, say NWA, and they answered, "Yes", and you responded, "Oh, you're a rock and roll fan, then", they'd think you were an idiot.


    Obviously, this isn't an issue of importance.

  2. Not in my case. I don't have much of an interest in the Rock Hall, but it does seem pointless to have members that made/make music that they personally never referred to as rock and roll. I don't have any problem with rap, disco or anything else. If there was (is there?) a Rap Hall of Fame, it wouldn't have The Beatles or Nirvana in it. The Disco Hall of Fame wouldn't include The Kinks or R.E.M. It's just silly. The only explanation I can come up with as to why the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame includes artists that never described themselves as rock and roll, is to make it more popular, meaning more of a moneymaker. Broadening the parameters increases interest, which increases visits. 

  3. Probably treaded this water a long time ago on the board, but I personally don't think any rap or hip-hop acts should be inducted into something calling itself the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They should have their own Hall of Fame. Honestly, same goes for all those disco acts like Chic.

    I agree. I listen to different styles of music, but the basic rule should be that if even the performers don't call their music rock and roll, then they don't qualify for inclusion in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  4. They raised a son with cerebral palsey.  Even with all the help their wealth can provide that had to put an enormous amount of stress on their marriage, and though that son is an adult now, I have no doubt that kind of stress leave scars that are hard to heal.  I am sorry to hear this and wish them both well.

    I knew about their son's health issues and I agree that it had to be stressful. My wife and I raised a now 27 and doing well, dual-diagnosis daughter - bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety plus addiction. Not the same as cerebral palsy, but a major stressor on the family. I am also sorry to hear about the Youngs and wish them happiness. I did not mean to sound cavalier yesterday. I just meant that from my perspective, getting a divorce after 36 years... it leaves me grasping for a reason that I, admittedly from my own bias toward marriage and family, can understand. My wife and I were discussing it last night. She was/is as dumbfounded as I.

  5. It is mind boggling. 36 years. If you no longer want to be married, then you shouldn't be married, but what in hell could occur after 36 years that makes you say, "I want a divorce"? If you wanted one earlier, then divorce then. What, after 36 years, your spouse cheated? After 36 years, you finally had enough of cheating? It took 36 years for her personal quirks to affect you? They can do what they want, but it makes no sense to me.

  6. Thanks, Winston. It's equal parts luck and experience. Not a bad opening game week for me but still not close to the top score of 101! You did okay for your first time. There is a forum at the site for our league. We can communicate there. I'll offer some tips and resource sites in case you all are interested. It's still not to late for others to join!

  7. A bunch more shows announced on their Facebook page: Athens, Philly, Ithaca, Boston, Northampton, Portland, & Burlington.

    Athens, GA is 8 hours north of me, so I am SOL again. Sigh.

    Me too, but fortunately, my wife and I are able to make the drive. If you are out of personal days, remember that Tampa is hit every year with minor, but debilitating, influenza on September 18th. :)

  8. I would play!

    I am down to play. My tastes run more towards the Italian league, but do follow the EPL as well.


    I went to the United Roma game in Denver yesterday. It was fun, but the stadium felt empty because the tickets were so expensive. I paid over $50 for nose bleed seats. I went to a Champions League game last year between Borussia Dortmund and Marseille and got lower level seats for 45 euro.


    Jesus! I didn't know Champion's League Games were affordable. Lucky bastard.


    Thanks, guys. I sent PMs with the code for our league, Radio Kings. I made it a Classic League, because I seriously doubt we'll have 20 players for a Head-to-Head League! Get your teams in! 16 August is sooner than you think.


    If other VCers are interested, let me know.

  9. Yeah, we had Rodney Marsh at the end of his career


    I hear ya with the inner tubes. Back before the 2003-2004 EPL season, we switched cable and had Fox Soccer channel. When I realized i could watch the games, i decided that I needed a team to support but I didn't want one of the big names. I chose Bolton Wanderers because in an interview, their manager at the time, Sam Allardyce, made an impression on me with his old school style of talking. My wife surprised me with an official shirt that she bought from the club's website. During the first 4 years, the Trotters made the League Cup final, had consecutive top 8 or better finishes (only the Big 4 were more consistent) and qualified for Europe twice, reaching the last 16 once. Then Allardyce resigned due to the club not wanting to sign more quality to push on and they were relegated in the 2011-2012 season! But I digress, I Googled Allardyce at one point and found that he had been a Rowdie in 1983! Weird coincidence.


    I still follow Bolton in the Championship but kept my eye on Allardyce managed teams and switched to Arsenal. Now I support West Ham United (Allardyce) and Arsenal. Jesus, I must sound like a douche.

  10. My family went to the Rowdies games way back when. NASL champions in our first season! I remember my mom singing along to that Kick in the Grass theme song during games. I miss that. We took our kids to Mutiny games but they didn't last long in MLS. I was hoping for another franchise but it went to Orlando for next season. 


    Jesus, I remember the Superstars with Kyle Rote, Jr.!

  11. I don't know what the true story is, but those allegations were cited to sources somewhat more reliable than Wikipedia.

    It was Hopkins from the Rolling Stone interview, cited in Wiki. The story that I linked has several sources from all angles. I can't believe I'm still talking about Gin Blossoms. Ha ha.

  12. I hear you, Atticus. I can relate to what you are saying via one of our daughters (happy to say now taking her meds properly, seeing a therapist she clicks with and almost 3 years clean), mental illness and addiction matter to me deeply. It's funny, I couldn't give a shit about the Gin Blossoms but the story sounded so outrageous. I didn't think about it being from Wikipedia and reacted. I researched, found this is article, and feel differently now. It's still a tragedy, but not one about assholes fucking a friend for money.



  13. "I understand why they fired me, but did they have to get so fucking cold and ruthless about it?"

    Doug Hopkins (Rolling Stone, 1993

    "Without Doug and his songwriting, we never could have signed a record deal."

    Robin Wilson (People magazine, 1994)
    Says it all, really. I don't know how I could live with myself.
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