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Posts posted by socbret

  1. Pretty neat post. I think you guys were missing the point. I read this as tongue in cheek and admittedly hypocritical. Sometime we can't control even our guiltiest pleasures.

    There are no guilty pleasures (except for maybe doing coke lines off a urinal or sleeping with our girlfriends ex-roomate) - chuck klosterman (not quoted exactly)

  2. Wilco - YHF

    Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain

    Neutral Milk Hotel - In An Aeroplane Over The Sea

    Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes

    Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding


    Subject to change tomorrow morning.

  3. I always thought it was a period when Jeff and Jay were popping pills and spending money the band didn't have on old mellotrons and synths and then they would stay up late twisting good honest folk tunes into the tortured end results


    not really kidding either, that was my impression from the Kot book, interviews, etc . . .

    You're not alone, that's pretty much exactly how I've always seen it too.

  4. Oh, I recognize the illustrated Tweedy. I'm familiar with the show. (And I'm shocked and appalled that you'd think I would not recognize it, sir :brow )

    The Malkmus looking facebook thing I was referring to is this:


    which upon closer inspection isn't really all that Malkmussy but is still a little Jonathan Richmanish.

    Ohh I see, haha. Well I mean...I just assumed it was really small on your screen, and your monitor was on the fritz, and you didn't have your glasses on. I agree with the little bit of Richman, maybe in the chin, or eyes...

  5. I've joined the gang but I have no idea why. Word up, homeskillet. This is the first time I've bothered to log in to facebook since I joined months ago. Literally. :shifty

    Also, before I even noticed all the Malkmusness of socbret's avatar/sig, I was just noticing that the little facebook logo guy is a little Stephen Malkmus looking. Possibly Jonathan Richman looking as well.

    That's Jeff Tweedy's Odd Job Jack character sir.


    Btw: Any VC'ers that want officer status just send me a message on facebook with the tag you want.

  6. That sounds pretty incredible. To tell you the truth reading that was kind of a kick in the rear for me, I turned 20 a few days ago and I have been a bit stagnating in transfer-land for the past 2 years. Thanks for sharing, you should be very very proud :yes

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