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Posts posted by socbret

  1. I've had people who I wouldn't in a million years have though listened to Wilco mention the album to me recently, so I'm starting to see some changes. I also have a bunch of musician friends that didn't really listen to Wilco a few years ago and are really into them now. More and more young bands are citing Wilco as one of their main influences it seems, just in the last week I've seen so from Okkervil River, Limbeck, and Tapes 'n Tapes.

  2. bump...


    is this the way jeff has been playing it lately on his solo tours?. i was watching a dvd from 2005 and it seems he was mainly on an A chord with a lot of hammering with his middle finger

    I was watching a dvd from that tour too yesterday and noticed that this wasn't the same at all. I figured it all out last night and he's on the d chord hammering with his middle finger, capo on second fret, drop d. I'll tab it out this weekend if I have time, but just mess with that.

  3. Any seat is a good seat at a Wilco show...but no you aren't screwed at all. I have yet to figure out how presale works, since I've done presale multiple times and gotten relativly bad seats while regluar sale folks have gotten front row. Is there any method to this madness?

  4. The book is not really about Wilco. Its not about Jeff or anyone involved with the band's personal life. It is about the music Wilco makes and how their personal lives interact to the music they make. That's why I like the book so much because Kot could have wrote a typical horrible rock and roll biography: sex and drugs. But instead, he focus on what Wilco is all about: the music.

    So your point is that it is about Wilco and Wilco only, but it's not about Wilco... :dontgetit

    Edit: I'm just being a dumbass.

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