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Posts posted by yermom

  1. Edited for boob content! We got some really good shots with the whole pink rose & hand to the mouth thing to copy Herb's lady and then we just went apeshit with the cream...3 cans of Barbasol, 1 of Reddiwip. If all goes well, we'll do a series of album cover recreations just for the hell of it. Everyone needs a hobby, right? It really was awesome fun. It's like a giant bird pooed on my head!

  2. I doused this beyotch and her big ass egg sac in gasoline earlier this week. I felt bad about it (I always do) but then I remembered I'm a shameless godless whore with a spot reserved for me in hell already and decided the evil deed hadn't cost me much. ;)


    A little searching leads me to believe she's a rabid wolf spider. Now that I know these aren't really threatening, I'll not off them in the future, but whenever I come across a creepy crawly I'm not sure of, I usually just kill first and Google questions later.








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