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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Do you have kids?


    I'd really like to know if my 7 month old was rushed to the hospital because her 20 month old brother left a piece of food on the floor and she choked on it. I really wouldn't like to wait until I got home to find out something like that. I know that I've tried to call a movie theatre once and no matter what I pressed on the phone, I couldn't get past the recording of the movies and the times they were playing.


    This may come off as preachy but I will say it anyways. You can think differently if you want. First off, you cant spend your time worrying about every little thing that can possibly happen. You'll drive yourself nuts. Secondly, what difference does it make if you hear the news after the movie or show. Does it have any impact on anything? Seems like you are searching for something to make you worry. Deal with things when they happen. I have a 6 and 3 year old.

  2. But suggesting that this is a problem simply solved by politely asking someone to move their conversation elsewhere is just as disingenuous as the folks arguing that people with potential emergencies shouldn't go to the movies.


    To clear up folks arguing that people with potential emergencies shouldn't go to the movies. I just think if you cant take a few hours out of the day to watch a movie without having such an emergency that you are needed immediately or something gigantic will happen, somethings not right. Who has these kinds of emergencies? And if so, why are you watching a movie at such a critical time. People need to be able to let go. Things can wait.


    I do understand if you wanna go somewhere and keep your phone on vibrate and walk out if you get called. The point is that you dont need to be connected all the time and if places wanna put up cell phone blocks, I'm for it. The people who feel they need to be connected will find somewhere else to go. Im all for cell phones, just be curtious.

  3. at least on a cellphone, you are having a real conversation w/ another live human being...if your issue is detachment from one's surroundings, you should take equal to more issue w/ video game systems, ipods/walkmen, laptops and the web.


    Yeah those are all in someway bad when overused. Just cell phones are the biggest thing of those. I dont like having earphones(ipod) on when going to stores cause I feel it takes away from whats happening around you. There's a place for all that stuff just dont take it along to social places and detach yourself. Cell phones are great to talk to real people far away, there's just a right time and place for that.

  4. 24 season 7 has been postponed until 09. first of many casualties, i'm sure. i really hope they don't delay LOST too..


    OMG, cant believe 24 is on season 7. Die hard needs to catch up.


    I heard LOST only had a few eps, so it will effected by the strike. They say we wont notice until Jan, but once that passes and strike continues, look for all new shows. Probably get a lot of reality shows.

  5. Really? The whole "Spygate" thing happened in the first quarter of the Patriots' first game of the season, one they were going to win regardless of any videotaping. Does that really warrant an asterisk, or even a jaundiced eye at what the Patriots have accomplished so far this year?


    If they'd been caught four or five games into the season, maybe I'd agree that they're "just as tainted." But not even one full quarter? Come on. Take away that quarter, and they still beat the Jets 31-14 that day.


    Yeah I agree, Pats cheated but I dont see how what they did had much effect on anything. It was just a horrible idea by the coach and they should get punished for doing it, but by no means would did it change anything.

  6. While I'm not a fan of having a cell phone it does allow me to be outdoors (often) when I'd outwise have to be reachable for work or because my son is in school. Couldn't very well disappear for a five hour ride and have him laid up in the nurse's office. I have to agree that it seems the real issue has nothing to do with cell phones or even the actions of others, but at how intolerant we've become over what we perceive as annoying people.


    The problem isnt cell phones themselves, they are the greatest thing. They allow for so much ease and comfort. The problem isnt tolerance. The problem is the actions of others and the lack of respect to the people around you and whats going on at the moment. Its about your mind being where your body is. When you are somewhere, be there. Kinda like talking during a concert. :)


    When I see someone in line at the grocery store staring into to nothing yapping away on the bluetooth while he or she is getting checked without paying any attention to the clerk, thats just plain rude. If you think thats acceptable, you are lost.


    I can understand emergencies, but these arent emergencies. Dont fool yourself of being that important.


    Cell phones add a great deal of ease into our lives, so like all other powerful tool, they should get the respect they deserve. Dont abuse this power.

  7. I liked exactly zero Beatles covers until I heard The Black Keys doing "She Said, She Said." I suppose it's the exception that proves the rule (the rule being don't cover the Beatles).


    What about Joe Cocker - A Little Help from My Friends. Even though it became the Wonder Years song, I thought he made the song better. Really rare when a cover feels better than the original.

  8. i work as an assistant editor on a tv show. that's the picture editor end of things, not writing...


    the episode i'm working on has been shot. we are cutting it together. then it goes through sound editorial, music, visual effects and mixing. that's when my job ends.


    and gogo: they do serve bacon every morning with the hot breakfast! brilliant!


    sounds cool, what show? cant you tell us?

  9. :cheekkiss


    i suppose if the strike continues after i've been laid off, i can join a picket line...


    for the record: editor's guild, local 700. *fist in the air*


    also: the film & tv industries are NOTORIOUS for taking advantage of crews, working us crazy long hours.


    What do you do exactly that this strike will effect your job?

  10. Maybe you have a child or other loved one/dependent with serious health issues and any complications that might occur are such that you would need to be notified immediately?


    I cant even think of a real situation you are talking about but I will assume it can exist. Maybe then you should be at a place where you can talk freely, perfably at their side, not an event where you would be disturbing others with a call. These kinds of situations are pretty rare and you should respect the situation when they occur.

  11. it will matter...you won't even know you received a call and/or message until you are out of the blocked area. what if someone is on the receiving end of an emergency call?


    most meetings of similar ilk i've been too, the moderator has enforced a strict 'cellphones on vibe/laptops closed' policy and it's worked just fine.


    Well you shouldnt be in a movie, classroom, or wherever the case if you are on an emergency status. What could be so important that you cant be where you are for certain amount of time without distraction? Most things can wait.

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