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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. so speaking of cellphone annoyances, i'm not a fan of the whole jamming of cellphones, although, if someone could come up with a way to jam the actual ringing of cellphones in situations like movie theaters, classrooms, etc, i could get behind that.


    i was in a seminar today, all day long kind of thing, one of those semi-pricey spend three days in a stuffy room with total strangers so you can learn all sorts of new computer tricks and then go home and forget them because you don't have a computer at the seminar...i digress...packed room, day long, i swear i heard at least 4 cell phones go off. one guy's phone went off on two different occasions. i can understand the need to leave your phone on, i myself was expecting a call during the middle of the seminar (work doesn't stop for classes), but damn it, if you're sitting in a room learning myriads of ways to stalinize an image without destroying it using all of the advanced tools in photoshop, i would hope you would be able to set your phone to at least vibrate.



    They have a way to block signals. It should be used in places like you mentioned and I think they will be. It doesnt matter to the caller that you dont have a signal cause they will leave a message just fine. Your phone just wont work. Perfect. But this doesnt prevent the annoyance in everyday life.


    Many people just dont understand proper manners when it comes to using cell phones. Especially people with the bluetooth earpieces.

  2. Shula's got a point in asmuch as people want Bonds to have one, the Pats are just at tainted this year. Maybe more so since they were actually caught cheating and punished. I'm not saying it's the reason they are undefeated, just as I won't say roids are the reason Bonds broke the record. There is no proof one way or the other what affect they had.


    Astericks are stupid. The whole idea of it.

  3. You could unionize your workplace... just ask Dreamin'. :thumbup


    Yeah I was totally kidding about picketing. If I want more money, I just go talk to my boss. Im my own union.


    I would like to have just a smiley face or :thumbup on a sign and walk around.

  4. I'm not disputing that writers are essential. I'm just saying that if they are more easily replaceable, then all else equal they will be paid less.


    I think a show's success all differs from writing, directing, acting, and producing depending on the show. Some shows are all actor power, while some are all writer or whatever combo of each. I think all shows should base the residuals and percentages on their own circumstances.

  5. Hey, no one is forcing anyone to give a player a guaranteed contract. That's a choice that GMs make to make their offers more attractive. They wouldn't have to do this if they didn't keep offering them.


    Yeah, thats true. Maybe its because MLB players are more reliable than NFL.


    I actually agree with Bud on this one. Feel like it can create as many issues as not having instant replay. Just keep things as is.


    About the limited of times a batter steps out to speed up the game sounds stupid. The game is fine the way it is, its slow in nature, I dont see a need to change the nature of the game. The pace is what makes it baseball, dont need to turn it into basketball.


    Things I wanna change: Eliminate the DH. Establish salary caps for teams, solid limit. Also the ability for teams to fire players at any time like in the NFL.

  7. Some details on the $ issues highlighted below. Also in this article: coolness from Jon Stewart, the cast of The Office, and the producer of The Shield.


    I wish I was part of some union so I could picket too. Looks kinda fun, I have never picketed anything.

  8. I think the point is that the producers, network executives, etc., are far more likely to be millionaires than the writers. If they're going to make a few more millions off the alternate revenue streams, don't the writers deserve at least a cut of that?


    Definitely, a cut is obvious. We just dont know the details of what kind of cut was being asked and offered.

  9. i thought the beef wasn't the low pay but the inaction on the studios et al to come up with some sort of policy to deal with residuals on DVD and On Line content, which frankly seems pretty fair. If the writers get paid residuals when ER is re-run on TNT, why wouldn't they get something for DVD sales, and for when ABC puts Grey's Anatomy up on line for free?


    It's all sounding to me like a bunch of millionaires squabbling about a few million dollars. In any case, you gotta fight for higher pay if you feel like you deserve it or else they will just take advantage of you as much as possible.

  10. As a fellow creative writer who makes his living with words, I'm with TheMaker on this one.

    It's absurd how poorly writers are paid, even in Hollywood. If you don't have a script, you don't have a show. I could never understand how writers could be the low men on the totem pole.


    Not disagreeing with their low pay, but isnt their fault for not being good negotiators. I dont understand how pay is industry wide and not specific to each show or situtation. If you walk out and your talent is really important, you will get the money or else you are replacable. Each has different talents right? Is there some hollywood salary cap on writers?

  11. the reissues won't be worth much more than the original sale price. but they should sound pretty great... and they'll last longer than your cds will.


    is wilco really planning to reissue these?


    No plans of yet, but I am hoping. Its what I am waiting for. It should lower the price on originals cause how many people are truely that big on collecting of wilco stuff. A reissue vinyl is just as good as original release to me. Some people may pay slightly more for the originals for collectible reasons, but not many I think.

  12. I'm a Bears fan, but the Super Bowl Shuffle loses because of the phrases "punky QB" and "throw the pill."


    I've never even heard "We're the 49ers," but I'm not sure it matters.


    Those are the phrases that make it what it is for me. It is so 80s and it is pretty cheesy. Thats the beauty.

    Bad rhymes by football stars standing around kinda dancin.


    You're lookin' at the Fridge,

    I'm the rookie.

    I may be large, but I'm no dumb cookie.

  13. I know you're not talking about this cat: :realmad


    I was just trying to annoy you cause the comment you made but the point got lost in all the posts. Your cat is not really ugly.

    Forget about it, I didnt mean it.


    But as for technology, I agree its our responsibility to respect it and use it to our advantage. All this advancement in technology is a great source of power, it doesnt get the respect it deserves from us.

  14. He's great. Maybe a top 10 of all time before he's done. He's got a ways to go before he reaches Manning and Favre, just to name two contemporaries.


    And the Patriots definitely had great players. He somehow made their defense nasty? He was the reason Corey Dillon had always been a good player? Belichek is a great coach. He had some decent recievers before last season, in Branch, Patten, Brown, Givens, Fauria, Graham. Sure, last year they had nobody, but it's not like it's been Brady and the Scrubs.


    He does have alot to go to catch up to Manning and Farve, he'll get there. All those recievers were pretty good, nothing great. But they kept changing receviers and it didnt effect him too much. Yeah and I agree with the coaching deserves alot of credit. I think he still needs to play a couple more years to establish his name better for some, lets continue this in 2010. See what you think then.

  15. if you lose, how good are the other 21 starters and like 25 guys who also see playing time?


    I understand your point. I give credit to players who dont have the best teams to play with.


    But I still think Brady is best now and headed for best ever.

    Pats players were never that great. It was him that made the team good. He could go on any suckie team and greatly improve it. Even without all the rings and wins, watch him play and give him some credit.

  16. I'll bite. Take away the rings and make an argument for him even being one of the top 5 of all time. He's definitely not the best quarterback of the past 10 years (probably 3rd best) without the rings, and he definitely didn't win those alone.


    Marino is the best QB of all time in my opinion, and it pisses me off that people use the no rings argument to say he isn't the best. It's ludicrous.


    Without this incredible year in the picture where he is undefeated so far (9-0) and on pace to beat the single season TD record. He flat out wins games and he has never had great receivers, Moss is probably his best which is why he is excelling so well this year. Also he is so young and has tons of time to break alot more records. The older QBs have alot long careers and stats to back them up, Brady will have his in time. But as for now, he is the best QB in the NFL. He's blowing teams out of the water for the exception of Indy.


    Brady enters 2007 with a record of 82-26 (.759) in regular-season and playoff games. It is the best record of any NFL quarterback in the Super Bowl Era (since 1966) with at least 40 starts.


    Brady enters 2007 with a 12-2 (.857) playoff record, the second best in NFL history behind Bart Starr (9-1, .900).

  17. They already exist... How's that for instant gratification!!


    HD-DVD has released several titles in a "combo" format...


    If you go to Amazon and put "Combo HD DVD" in the search, you will see a lot more...


    Good idea, but it seems it is more expensive this way. They need to only have the combo release and charge normal price for the time being.

    Then eventually fade off the standard dvd side once its more widespread.

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