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whistling earth

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Everything posted by whistling earth

  1. Thank you for the recommendation. I'll definitely check out World War Z.
  2. TV on the Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain
  3. Currently Reading: The Importance of Being Earnest, for class.
  4. Although Dash 7 is not my favorite Wilco song overall, it's definitely one of my favorites off of AM. It's so different from all the other songs on that album, and it's perfectly placed too, right toward the end. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is the production: Jeff's voice sounds perfect, the acoustic guitar sounds deep and fantastic, etc. What a great song.
  5. For me, it has to be "Let Me Come Home," followed by "Panthers" (unless you consider the AGIB EP an album) and "Cars Can't Escape."
  6. I've been reading Cormac McCarthy for about two years now. I first heard about him a long time ago from a teacher, and I eventually picked up some of his stuff. The most recent one I read was The Road, which blew me away completely. Probably the best of his work that I've experienced yet. (Then again, Blood Meridian is still sitting on my bookshelf, and I've heard it's his best work.) Has anyone else read McCarthy? What do you think?
  7. It's definitely one of my favorite songs Jeff wrote for Uncle Tupelo. It's pretty amazing all the feelings he gets across just from a few simple chord changes, fingerpicking, and relatively simple lyrics. The mood, the recording. Ah, I need to go listen to this now.
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