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okp greg

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Posts posted by okp greg

  1. There was a time when Eminem could've been an all time great rap artist, but he got legitimately terrible after his 2nd album. But his first two are brilliant, one of the smartest, funniest rappers of all time. He just got too obsessed with a revolution that never came (by this I mean he thought there would be millions of Eminem clones flooding the market, and he was preparing himself to fight that from his 3rd album on, and it never came. He fizzled out after this.)



    His albums also became terribly formulaic. There was always the party track, the i hate kim and my mom track, the i love my daughter track, & the angry track. He was a good lyricist but horrible at coming up with a good variety of topics to write about.

  2. Thanks for all the input so far!! I'm definitely taking notes. I've been trying to avoid the big highways as much as time will allow me which is looking pretty good! As far as Austin goes I don't think it'll be a stop on my initial journey, but if all goes well with the job I just applied at nmsu for, I will be shooting to get to ACL this fall! Please everyone, keep the suggestions going, you're making me want to start the trip tomorrow!

  3. I'd say you should definately try restaurants that you wouldn't normally eat at...try local eateries and maybe some VC'ers can give recommendations for places they live or live near for good places to try on your road trip. OO and go to Borders or Barnes And Noble and look through travel guides they usually have some good recommendations or go online and type in locations you plan to drive through. When you get home you can give us a guide of eateries and things to see :)


    Ohhh I love trying food i haven't eaten!! Gator, buffalo, conch, & frog legs have been some of my unusual favorites so far, anyone with any local stops along the way is definitely welcome to give me tips!.



    Dr. Steve, Lizard's Thicket definitely sounds like a must stop!

  4. im from connecticut, and it definitely has its share of negatives. but i love its proximity to NYC :)


    anyways, north carolina, virginia, etc.


    I will definitely miss it's proximity to boston philly & nyc. I'm movin to alamogordo, it's close to... sand. hahah. I'll welcome the change of pace in life though.


    fatheadfred & ms yvon thanks for the tips. I'll definitely look out for some minor league teams. I enjoy going to the local teams in ct now! and PigSooie, thanks for the tip. I won't step foot in Memphis!

  5. So I'll be making a very round-about trip from Connecticut to New Mexico(for good, screw CT!), come April and am looking for suggestions on roadtripping. I've tried not to give myself deadlines other than being in New Orleans on April Ninth to see Iron & Wine, but so far I've basically just mapped the itinerary on google maps and I've been mapping out campgrounds in the vicinity of where I'll be stopping each night. The rough route is basically NY, PA, MD, WV, KY(stay the night), TN, NC, SC(stay the night), GA, MS, LA(stay the night), MS, AR, MO(to meet up with girlfriend). After that, I haven't decided yet. If the route so far seems crazy It's just because I want to finish going to states I haven't been to on the way to NM, and with the current route I'll have east of the mississippi river done!


    So basically I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or sites for me to check out as far as planning the trip, or anyone with any places they think I should definitely check out?

  6. what's everyone's preference so far? Out of the recent trackers to flourish I'm on stmusic, what, & libble. Not having seen waffles I'd agree with Eli Cash that out of the 3 i'm on what definitely seems the most progressed, with libble in second.

  7. What about water bottles that haven't been opened yet?


    They say they allow one, and they never stopped me from making that one bottle a gallon jug :). You'll find that they're pretty lienent on enforcing their rules, but plan to follow them anyway. I was always able to bring my dslr camera (they say no cameras with detachable lenses, that's how they distinguish them as professional). I was asked once the whole weekend if my lense came off. Black lense, silver body, and and extra 300mm lense in my backpack??? No miss, this lense does not come off. No other questions asked. But yeah, my plan was bring a sealed gallon and and empty bottle. drink the gallon then keep filling the bottle at the stations.

  8. Oh shoes. The shoe situation. Yes, those $2 pair of flip flops are nice. They are comfortable, and wonderfully hippyish. Though, at seven years after the bi-mellinial of our lord, those flip flops will suffer through the seven plagues of your FEET. Do not wear them. Wear crocs if you wish to proclaim hippie-dom... tight ass sneakers/sandals if you wish to proclaim "i thought about this shit"idom. Honestly, if I could count the amount of orphaned flip flops I saw in 2004, the world would've solved both pi and the golden ratio. Don't be comfortable, be smart. If your shoes don't have backs, then play a sir mix-a-lot and leave that shit alone!

  9. Just to give everyone a bit of advice from 2 years of experience.... Yes it's absolutely possible to get through the late shows, and the entire festival, without heavy(and by heavy, well, i mean any) drugs. Last year between going to sleep tuesday night before the festival and monday night after the festival i had a cumulative 10 hours of sleep. It's that good. Just enjoy everything. Relax when you have to, drink a TON of water. And be VERY careful about how much you drink(anything that isn't water) while the sun's up. My 15 year old brother was a soda addict when we arrived last year, and when i recommended he drink water he laughed. I laughed harder and said "in half an hour you're going to tell me you have a headache and i'm going to give you tylenol. but after that you're gonna drink water." He got a headache, and drank water... and also saw more tit than he'll ever see :). But seriously, it's awesome. Camp out if you can. It really lends to the whole community experience of 'roo, which is honestly more than any band will ever lend to the experience. Just as long as you're prepared you'll be fine. Remember first aid kits, be prepared for blisters, no blisters, rain, droughts, and everything in between! In '04 I took a shower in the torrential downpoor. One of my best showers EVER!! Do the silent disco, go see the random bands you know nothing about... go to the xm stage if it's there this year, walk under the mushroom fountain and rejoice in the glory of bonnaroo. Hope you all have a phenomenal time and think of me while you're there!


    P.S. Print the schedule ahead of time and highlight the bands you want to see the most. You'll get a schedule, some cd's, and probably some bumper stickers, waiting to get in, but having just a schedule, without an essay about each band, definitely helps your travels.


    P.P.S. ?uestlove, the drummer for The Roots, has this to say:



    i aint snitchin just yet

    but uh...make sure you come all three days....

    cause im about to do about 4-5 hours of work over a 2-3 day period.


    multi jammin shits on that level of what i did with pino and herbie hancock last year.--


    and not to mention a "reunion" of another unit of mine.


    should be sick.


    had the whole weekend off so i told em "put me to work the entire 3 days and MAKE SURE i had a spot for The Police


    You've no idea how badly I wish I was there to see ?uesto.

  10. Damien Rice - Rootless Tree is a pretty good one in this case, if you're pissed off at someone in particular. There's not much better than screaming:

    Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

    and all we've been through.

    I said leave it, leave it, leave it,

    There's nothing in you.

    And if you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good

    then you can let me out

    let me out, let me out

    of this hell when you're around.

    Let me out, let me out, let me out.

    Hell when you're around.

    Let me out, let me out, let me out.


    or, Bright Eye's Drunk Kids Catholics, just for this segment:

    And every night I think I certaintly won't ever sleep sober or alone

    And then suddenly it occurs to me

    I've slept alone before you

    And so I pour myself the stiffest drink my stomach can stand

    And convince myself to lay back down again


    oooorrr you could just put this line from iron & wine's evening on the ground on over and over again. trust me it works:

    we were born to fuck each other

    one way or another

    but i'll only lie

    down by the waterside at night

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