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okp greg

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Posts posted by okp greg

  1. So I'm going on a roadtrip back from New Mexico to Connecticut and will be stopping in the above mentioned cities. I tried looking around but couldn't find any good shows to see. I plan on being in Denver on December 7th, Omaha December 8th, and Chicago December 9th. Anyone know of anything good those dates?

  2. Does anyone have a good recommendation for an online photo album? I upload a lot of pics to Kodak (formerly Ofoto) and they don't have limits on storage, but they don't save images at full quality. I've tried Picasa and some others that will upload at full resolution, but you have to pay to get any reasonable amount of storage. I may be SOL for what i want in the free realm, but I thought I'd see if anyone knew anything.


    If you're doing a lot of uploading, I'd honestly recommend thinking about just having your own website. Companies like hostgator or lunarpages have super cheap hosting, checking real quick both have $5/month hosting with unlimited space. Then you're talking about $8 a year for your domain name too. This way you'd have unlimited possibilities with what you could do.


    Otherwise, i know shutterfly does unlimited storage but i'm not sure if they limit resolution.

  3. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/11/.../557/831/649050


    A Canadian comedy duo called The Masked Avengers from CKOI 96.9 FM in Montreal, Quebec pranked Sarah Palin, convincing her (and her team) they were receiving a call from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


    In the interview, which lasts about six minutes, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the dangers of hunting with current vice-president Dick Cheney.

  4. We are actually switching to the paper scantron ballots across the state after we had a mixture of touchscreen and lever booths last time around.


    I felt like I was taking a high school exam when i filled those out during the primary! But also more comforted by the fact that I didn't recall ever getting a high school scantron test back that looked like I got an incorrect score.

  5. Not sure I'd call it the beginning of the end. Michigan is pretty reliably blue and it looked like he had a shot at making is close, but with polls the way they're going its probably more important to play defense on Florida and Ohio. If he loses either of those, he's pretty much toast.


    FWIW, I don't see McCain losing OH. I'm just not feeling the vibe. I'm in Columbus, one of the areas Obama figures to be strongest in, but in my neighborhood, at least, McCain is clearly winning the yard-sign war. Don't know how good of an indicator that is, but most of the state is considerably more conservative than this, so take that for what its worth.


    Many people have been complaining about not being able to get yard signs.


    The campaign is trying to spend the money on more effective means of garnering support.

  6. I love how a deal on the bail out was made before McCain & Obama got there. It's pretty hilarious. "Don't Worry guys! We'll figure everythi...! Wait, what? You already agreed on everything?"


    Newest internet rumor: Biden will drop out for health reasons and Clinton will come back:



    Mrs Clinton could be just the key. Mr Biden, who had surgery in 1998 to repair two brain aneurysms, would drop out after the vice presidential debates due to be held on October 2, according to the claims - leaving the way open for the former First Lady.
  7. Cool! Thanksgiving is the worst time possible to travel anyway. Make sure you check the Toad's schedule before you book your flight. :lol


    I won't ever even consider visiting again unless there's a show at toads or one of the iheg venues!


    I'm not sure if the fact that we got perfect scores is a good or bad thing to be honest.

  8. Unless I "obtain" a copy from somewhere I'm sure I won't have it for a whie. Congrats on the business!!!! I'm glad you're loving it out there, but you need to come home and visit for more than a few days. We'll go to a show!


    Oh I'll make sure one's obtainable :) I wanted to come up for thanksgiving but tickets are $800+!! I'm kinda thinking of doing a week after christmas and be up for the new year. hopefully tickets won't be that bad then.

  9. That's not balance!!!



    In other news, I'd just like to go on the record as saying I am against Senator's McCain's war on Spain. :unsure


    Edit: That second part there is one of the weirder things I've encountered in my insomnia-fueled surfing. Doesn't look like the American press has really picked up on this yet and maybe it won't. At best, McCain appears to have had a "senior moment" and forgotten who the Prime Minister of Spain is (and possibly its geographic location). At worst, he just declared Spain an enemy. Wha?? This is the "foreign policy expert" in this election?


    I'm sure he had just finished listening to Rage Against the Machine and thought the reporter said Zapatista. Surely.

  10. But didn't you see him in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?!?! He was genius!! Ha. I hear ya. It's like he got bored with hip-hop and realized his dream of being a supporting-role actor.


    It is without a doubt classic hip hop. A great record. It is so dissapointing how he has never even scraped the heights he reached with Black on Both Sides. What happened? He did Black Star and that, and then the messy, promising/dissapointing New Danger. Didn't even bother with the latest after I read the reviews. Anyone heard it?
  11. Just started relistening to the album two days ago and haven't been able to stop since. It's freaking perfect. Mos manages to range in topic from the superficial to supernatural and switches up the song styles repeatedly yet keeps it together. Cohesively diverse. Anyone else have similar feelings?

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