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okp greg

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Posts posted by okp greg

  1. That is a pretty awesome setlist, and I'm glad to see You'll Never Know making its way into the shows. I'm pretty sure this will be a kick-your-ass-tour for the band and the fans.


    I'm a little surprised to see such a non W(TA) focused setlist thus far, but at the same time I understand that they want to wait til the album officially comes out.

  2. Would anyone happen to know of any specific Mystic Valley Band shows that are available that are off soundboards or FM broadcasts? I would really enjoy to hear some more live stuff from these guys, all I have is that 400 Bar show. There is a descent forum for Conor Oberst, but for some reason the bootleg thread doesn't include if the shows are soundboard or not. Thanks in advance!


    Which forum is decent for Conor? The Saddle Creek one? I've never found a decent one, but based on Bright Eyes' history I don't recall seeing many soundboards or fm broadcasts. If they're torrents you can just download the txt file and see if it includes lineage.

  3. http://pitchfork.com/news/35373-more-dark-...-soulemi-drama/


    Previously on Dark Night of the Soul: Due to a legal dispute with EMI, there will be no official release of the album portion of the Danger Mouse/Sparklehorse/David Lynch CD/book project. However, you can now buy the Dark Night of the Soul art book, featuring Lynch photos and a blank CD-R that you can use "however you see fit."


    But the drama doesn't end there. Yesterday, EMI ordered YouTube to take down a short trailer for the DNOTS project, which features David Lynch photos and no music from the actual album. According to a Danger Mouse spokesperson, "What EMI pulled from YouTube is a 15 second clip of David Lynch's photographic images from Dark Night of the Soul. It's perplexing why they had it removed and questionable that they even had the right to censor it." Perplexing indeed!


    You can still watch the video in question at the official DNOTS site. (EMI have yet to return our request for comment.)


    We're hoping an EMI bot programmed to remove copyrighted material on YouTube did this, because who would knowingly fuck with David Lynch? They've seen Lost Highway, right?!

  4. I'm with you there. In it's current form I see your point, BUT, I read in the Projo a scary bit of information about the folk fest. I guess they have been really hurt over the past few years, and last year they didn't even make a profit. So this years festival might be the last as we know it. At least until the economy gets back on its feet, I'd rather see have a 1 day festival so they can keep bigger acts, rather than a 2 day festival that is watered down (not that this years is watered down, but in the future it will be)


    I've heard rumors as well that they've had financial issues for the past 5 or so years. I guess that's why the sponsors always seem to change as well. I agree that I'd rather them do whatever they have to do to keep the festival alive.

  5. This could really be a 1 day thing with more stages.


    Yeah, but I kinda like how it's always been split up into two easier days. Sure it makes it more expensive, but getting two shorter days of bands in a small park is worth it in my opinion. They really can't squeeze any more stages into the area they have as it is, and I'd hate to see it be somewhere else. I usually just go camping nearby with friends. Makes for quite the enjoyable and relaxed weekend.

  6. The line-up is really weird. I thought they'd divide the indie/newer/whatever bands (decemberists, FF, I&W) between the days, but it almost looks like they're trying to segregate crowd types by age or something.


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 ~ 11:30 am – 7:00 pm

    Fort Adams State Park, Harrison Avenue

    Pete Seeger, The Decemberists, Fleet Foxes, Gillian Welch, The Avett Brothers, Billy Bragg, Iron & Wine, Mavis Staples, Tom Morello: The Nightwatchman, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Ben Kweller, The Low Anthem, Brett Dennen, Tift Merritt, Tao Rodriguez Seeger, Langhorne Slim



    SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 ~ 11:30 am – 7:00 pm

    Fort Adams State Park, Harrison Avenue

    Pete Seeger with Special guest Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, Neko Case, The Campbell Brothers, Josh Ritter, Elvis Perkins in Dearland, Tim Eriksen & Shape Note Singers, Del McCoury, Guy Clark, David Rawlings Machine, Deer Tick, Balfa Toujours, Dala, Joe Pug

  7. Then you believe it will be destiny that wins over free will, which is essentially what the war, the final season and ultimately the whole running theme of Lost is all about!


    See I disagree with that. Just because they can't change the past doesn't necessarily mean they don't have free will. If they went back to present time, then they very well may have the will to do what ever they'd like.

  8. You're a super fast texter.....you do that on a numeric keypad???


    Haha yeah! :lol I'm just so used to T9 that it's second nature at this point. I even know when I have to hit next & how many times to get to certain more common words. I'm deathly afraid of touchscreen or full keyboards because with my thumb on the 5 i know where every key I need to hit is without looking.

  9. Chinese Translation


    Rave On


    Fool Says

    Vincent O'Brien

    Post War

    Hold Time

    Fuel for Fire (solo)

    Roller Coaster (solo)

    One Hundred Million Years> Medley: Rag/Duet For Guitars #3> One Hundred Million Years (solo)

    Pauls Song

    Poison Cup


    Never Had Nobody Like You

    Roll Over Beethoven

    Big Boat



    Magic Trick

    To Go Home - At the end he sang the last line of the song, "....to think I'll have to give it all up some day." and gently laid his guitar down on the stage and walked off.


    That looks like such a great setlist.

  10. I LOVE Juliet, and I was very sad when she got sucked into the hole... :ohwell


    But at the same time, honestly?!? Phantom chain flew by and wrapped itself around you in such terrible knots that Kate and Sawyer combined couldn't out-match it?

  11. I am on Verizon, but haven't seen anything worth upgrading to. My phone is from maybe 2004? 2005? Big and stupid, but amazing in every way. I can't imagine I will ever own a phone half as good (as a phone). It's some sort of Audiovox phone. I don't even think they make phones anymore. But it's great. I met a kid at a wedding recently who had my phone, and he was the only other person I had ever seen with it. He, too, would not get rid of it despite being doubly worthy of an upgrade because it is amazing.


    My next phone will be an iPhone, but I need several jobs first.


    That's honestly how I feel. I have the original V, and it does what I need perfectly. I actually wish it didn't even have the keyboard because I don't use the internet on it, and can text faster/one-handed with t9 on the outside. So when I look at upgrading I see a bunch of phones that are smart phones/blackberries & would require an internet plan or are touch screen, and none of that does anything for me.

  12. Thanks for the in depth responses, guys! I'll look into everything you've mentioned. My husband has the Dare and he doesn't really like it because he doesn't think it gets as strong a signal as his old flip LG. The KRAVE sounds right up my alley but I'll do some more research.


    I have an iPod Touch too, and although I think it's the coolest thing ever I'm not sure I'd be comfortable holding it up to my ear and talking on it.




    Here's a collection of reviews on the Krave. I've always had mixed results with motorola.

  13. I'll admit a bias against touchscreens, but it doesn't change the fact that the Blackberry Storm simply sucks so I would cross that off your list. The software was slow in my experience, and the screen just didn't feel right. Plus it felt like it was a cheap phone as well. I know several people with the EnV2, and they all are fairly happy. Also one friend has the LG Dare (a touchscreen) and she likes it a lot as well.


    I have verizon too and I've been eligible for a new phone for like 2 years, but honestly just haven't seen one that's worth getting :-/ I'm still using the very first LG V from 2006!


    The only downside gripe about the Dare that I have is that apparently LGs bluetooth technology is not the universal standard and the phone refuses to transfer the phone contact list into the onboard computer in my MINI. LGs bluetooth does not play well with others according to the research I have done.


    I always thought it was Verizon crippling the bluetooth technology. They've always limited the bluetooth functions available on their phones to try to force people to go through Get it Now and all that fun stuff.

  14. It was WAY oversold. Tweedy also seemed PO'd, IIRC there was somebody towards the front heckling him.


    The music was solid but the overall experience was less than stellar.


    Yeah there was a dude who was doing the whole "i'm drunk and need 30 square feet to dance" thing. Then Jeff told him that he's being an ass, and needed to calm down or he was on a path that's heading straight to Satan's kingdom. It was one of his funnier banter moments in my opinion.

  15. they do allow the amount of PM's... but these new bots are sophisticated enough to throttle the mass PM's just enough to get through the flood filter


    but yes, patch is def installed.


    Wow. I don't know how difficult it'd be for you to try to use user classes to limit it like some people on the ipb boards were suggesting but that sucks. Hopefully you won't have to wait for 3.0, I wonder why it seems to be only invision boards though. The only solution I could think of based on what I was reading is either the user classes, or if they implemented captcha's for pm's or for at least the first dozen or so from an account.

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