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okp greg

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Posts posted by okp greg

  1. It's pretty good, especially for a first beta release. I like being able to make web-app shortcuts on your desktop. I have more screen real estate in my firefox configuration but I did like how it had so much space by default. It's lightning fast with gmail(shocker i know) too.


    For now I'm still using firefox because my computer's fast enough with it, and I really love my extensions. When Chrome comes out with mouse gestures, adblock & a foxmark type extension then I may be more likely to switch.

  2. Don't hate on lil wayne! ha. But in all honesty I can see how it'd be good to listen to some of his stuff. My shuffle(which I only use for running/biking) is filled with hip-hop and rock that I would listen to on a much less regular basis, simply because it's more rhythmic and I can push harder listening to something like Lil Wayne than I could listening to Damien Rice or Wilco

  3. they had to of dumped a lot of money into promoting this thing, because I can't see how word of mouth would have ever made something this ineffective create such a buzz. It has some good ideas, like the explore by category, but the results are pretty damn inaccurate.

  4. You know, lately it seems as though Obama's doing one of two things: actually flip-flopping on some of his stances or trying to appear more attractive to voters not currently on his side. I really don't believe he's flip-flopping, but I don't know what he actually stands to gain. I don't foresee many people who aren't going to vote for him deciding to vote for him because of something like this. They've already made up their mind. It kind of seems like his campaign's just been running a bad last week or two.


    edit: Personally, i feel he's been intentionally vague and ambiguous on some stances lately to attract those voters, but the only thing it may do is make some current voters rethink their support of him; whether or not he's actually taking a stance they disagree with.

  5. My mail issue automagically resolved itself when I wasn't paying attention.


    It's done this before -- gone bad over a few days, then suddenly straightened itself out.


    from what i've read that issue seems to have been on their end. maybe they fixed it?

  6. Something I just noticed - if I accidentally clicked out or something like that - there use to be a restore last session option - that seems to be gone now.


    Under Tools>Options>Main "When Firefox Starts" -> "Show my windows and tabs from last time" would that be what you're looking for?

  7. I use the search bar (in the upper right) quite a bit, but would often like for my searches to open up in new tabs. I can't find a way to do that. Any know if you can?


    Type about:config into the address bar, and then put the following into the filter box: browser.search.openintab. Double-click the value to change it to true.

  8. thanks everybody. if only 1 or 2 posts, i'd be afraid to give it a shot, but it sounds okay to do. i've been using firefox for a couple of years now and haven't once considered going back to i.e. or safari. firefox has been a big cut above all others since i first discovered it.


    why didn't it just appear as a new software update? (i have an imac.) i seem to remember it did before, but maybe this is a whole new ballgame.


    if all the bookmarks disappeared, i'd have a coronary. they're longtime bookmarks. but analogman's post gives confidence.


    will try it now.


    I had no problem at all with it importing my old bookmarks. If you'd like to be double safe you can export your bookmarks as an html file first from the old firefox. But on all 3 machines for me it updated them fine and kept them in the folders.

  9. I love it. the awesome bar makes browsing so much easier too. BTW on my laptop with vista i've experienced no issues.


    Add-ons to use:

    Adblock and filterset.g updater: I never see an ad more than once. If that.

    Foxmarks: sync bookmarks on all computers (works great for going from work to home to my laptop), and even if you don't have foxmarks on a computer, you could go to my.foxmarks.com and get all your bookmarks

    foxgestures: Whenever I use a computer that only has ie or has ff but no gestures, I go through gesture withdrawal, draggin my mouse in directions expecting to go home, or to open a new tab.

  10. i've used Trek and Cateye cycling wireless computers and the Trek crapped out on me after a year, and i've only had the Cateye for a month, but really like it... i got the Strada. it's got an easy one-button touch to it... i paid $60 from my local store. very easy to install.


    Yeah having one crap out would suck. The strada's looking pretty nice. I may have to get that one too.

  11. Hmm. That's one of the two or three places in that state I haven't been yet. I too hope a 5/9 recording pops up soon, as my sister was going to go to that show, but didn't make it.


    You're not missing much except Walmart and a decent mexican restaurant, but I'm liking it. It's so much more relaxed and easy going than connecticut was.

  12. Where in New Mexico are you? My family lives in Albuquerque.


    just moved to alamogordo in april from connecticut. it's about three and half hours south of albuquerque. You'd better believe I made the trip to see wilco in may though! Unfortunately a freakin recording hasn't surfaced yet.

  13. Current Ride:


    I'm so glad I brought it with me on my move to New Mexico. Have some nice mountains five minutes away that I'm just starting to explore. What would a good affordable road bike be? I've been riding back and forth to work and have thought about getting a lighter road bike for the trip.

  14. Hey everyone, I've been biking too & from work the last month or so and was looking for a cycling computer. I grabbed one from walmart but it was crap, the wireless signal wouldn't even reach the ~2 feet it had to travel. Does anyone know a good brand to look for or a good place to check out online for one? It'd feel pretty good to watch the odometer on it go up and up through the year.

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