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okp greg

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Posts posted by okp greg

  1. No, I don't expect them to show us everything, but again, this smacks of a cheap "surprise" and bad writing. There ARE rules to writing and having your characters act out of character only to service a MacGuffin is a violation of that. It seems not many others are as bothered by it as I am. And I DO think/hope the writers will have me eating my words.




    I don't expect them to "off a child" but I DO expect them to acknowledge that his presence there is important ... and important enough to alert the other -- Oceanic 6 -- losties. And I also think any argument that the other losties were told off camera about little Ben also smacks of cheap tricks in order to "save" the big reveal for the Sayid scene. I was a huge fan of 24, but don't even watch anymore because, in an effort to constantly ratchet up the surprises, they resorted to this sort of cheap trick. I am merely hopeful Lost is not headed down the same path.


    I'm constantly afraid of them falling into the cheap trick tactics as well. And also, yes, saying the Losties were told off camera issss ridiculous. I assume/hope that we'll learn more about the other losties' reactions soon.

  2. Not sure if there are any 'Grandaddy' fans out there, but Jason Lytle has his first solo album coming out in May. He has a new website and is heading out on tour soon. Grandaddy were a great little band who unfortunatly disbanded a few years back. If this new album is as good as the Grandaddy stuff then we're in for a treat.




    By the way, I saw Grandaddy play at Bonnaroo in 2004, and they covered Pavement's Here. Before singing it Jason said something along the lines of "This is a song by a band who had the sense to bow out at the right time." I'm guessing he wanted to have the same sense with Grandaddy, whether or not I agree that was the right time.

  3. Ever since I visited New Orleans I've been trying to get into some good blues music. I guess the best description I can give of the stuff that's interested me is music that sounds dirty, and unpolished. I put delta blues on pandora and have been digging a lot of that... but could definitely go for some stuff with more brass, toward the jazz spectrum almost. Any ideas?

  4. And we don't know that Ben's just "hanging out" in the camp. Who knows if they're keeping him somewhere specific where you can't just go to him. Plus, would you expect them to just off a child in Lost?

  5. I'm only afraid that it will be difficult for them to progress a story line with all the time traveling. How are they ever supposed to get anything done if they jump 3 decades per episode.

  6. I guess I was hoping for a little more plot reveal in light of the last couple, but looks like next week is going to be kickass.


    I've been saying this exact line since season 1, episode 2.

  7. I'd agree, wilceaux. Seems like there's a little something for everyone on that lineup, but it's still plenty jammy, IMO - TWO nights of Phish, Grisman, Gov't Mule, moe.? And let's not forget there are still nearly 50 more acts to be announced.




    I've heard the same thing, greg. My ACL/Lolla/Roo vet friends have all said the feel of Roo is a lot different from those other fests - less crowded, easier to move through the crowds, less "camping" at one stage for the headliner.


    It's definitely easy to move around. After the initial rush to Tom Petty, which we just hung out ate dinner and had a couple drinks during, we were able to get close enough for everyone to be happy. Granted we weren't extremely close, but we didn't want to be. During Radiohead 2 of my friends made it to the bathroom and back to where we were around 12 "rows" deep into the crowd.

  8. I feel like you have to throw out the headliners in events like this unless you want to spend all day in a good spot at the main stage. I usually skip the headliners at the ACL Fest for example and bounce between smaller stages to catch undercard acts I enjoy. So that said, I wouldn't bother with Phish, Beastie Boys, David Byrne, Wilco, Al Green. All who I would normally like to see.


    While I agree with the throw out the headliners thing, in my experience it is still easy to see earlier bands on the main stage. So I would throw out Bruce (who i'll still see, but from far back), Phish and Beasties, assuming those are the bands that get the headliner spots. Beside that Byrne, Wilco, & Al Green won't be too difficult to get a little closer for. I had no problem being close for Beck or Elvis in '06 or Wilco in '04

  9. Superfly Productions and A.C. Entertainment are excited to announce

    the initial lineup for the 2009 Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival. The

    eighth annual four-day camping and music festival will be held on June

    11 - 14 on the same beautiful 700-acre farm in Manchester, Tennessee,

    60 miles south of Nashville. Every year Bonnaroo seeks to make history

    by offering unique and exclusive performances by rock's greatest

    legends as well as its most significant newcomers. A full list of

    confirmed acts follows, and more will be announced in the coming

    weeks. The final Bonnaroo 2009 lineup will total over 120 bands and

    over 20 comedians performing on 13 stages over four days. Tickets go

    on sale exclusively through www.bonnaroo.com on Saturday, February 7

    at 12:00 PM Eastern.


    Official festival website is www.bonnaroo.com


    2009 Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival Confirmed Artists:

    Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

    Phish (2 Shows)

    Beastie Boys

    Nine Inch Nails

    David Byrne


    Al Green

    Snoop Dogg

    Elvis Costello Solo

    Erykah Badu

    Paul Oakenfold

    Ben Harper and Relentless7

    The Mars Volta

    TV on the Radio

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Gov't Mule

    Andrew Bird

    Merle Haggard



    The Decemberists

    Girl Talk

    Bon Iver


  10. I guuueeesssss but I'd die just to hear him rip it up Nel's style at the end of a song. I hear you, I'm dying to see him again soon. I still think I loved when he opened for The Shins & White Stripes the most. It was only like a 5-6 song set, but everything was sped up and extra-rocking, and he also played Requiem a year before it came out. I think that was the longest year of my life waiting to hear the song again! He's playing a couple dates in the CT area, but they're all during the week & I just started a new job.


    true... but that's better than thinking someone's songs/albums are too long i suppose right? ;)


    but yeah... fuck me i need to see him again ASAP. hopefully SXSW


    too early to say way there this will fall in his catalog... but it's up there... it's WAY up there...




    the intro reminds me of of Revolution meets Reelin' In The Years, he he

  11. What does he say in Epistemology?


    "I just rolled & I tumbled, down the long road I stumble, while shooting in the dark.... ???????? and finally I found you without ever learning how to I put the right foot in front of the left"


    Anyway, this albums golden. Not that it's a surprise. If I had one complaint of M. Ward, it's the same I've always had, I need more. I wish he'd make songs that were a little longer, he rarely even breaks 4 minutes!

  12. Set up downloadthemall for firefox. It'a great extension that will download all the songs you want with one click, but you could also do it a song at a time as to not bog down the server.

    Is there a way to download the whole show at once, rather than one song at a time?


    Thanks in advance.

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