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Posts posted by rhino4evr

  1. the reason I think Parquet Courts stands out from all the other post-punk revival bands is due to the lyrics and charisma of their lead singer. He's not doing anything new, but his music and attitude feels genuine rather then copy cat. Light Up Gold is a really silly punk album compared to the follow up Sunbathing Animal, which is by no means a masterpiece, but it seems more culturally aware then say Foxygen, which always seemed like one giant joke.

    Their latest EP Content Naseua also has it's moments. i think overall they are just a really talented and fun punk band, with a suprising amount of revelence compared to the rest of the "so called" punk bands out there. Even calling them "punk" seems insulting.


    Mac Demarco writes silly/stupid folk-pop songs, but they catch you by surprise, and usually end up sticking around your head for awhile. The singer himself is a bit of enigma and prankster, and has a layer of grunge and filth that adds to his records. He reminds me of John Waters in away. He embraces being poor and trashy, even though his lyrics are typically soft and  sweet. I dont' see his as a "co-haedliner" material though.

  2. As everyone else has already stated, the best reason to go to this is to see Wilco (and Tweedy) for 3 nights, while enjoying the art, music, beer, and food of Solid Sound. you should never let the "other acts" persuade or disuede your decision too much. That being said, there are plenty of great acts playing, so there is nothing really to complain about.


    Except for the hotels price gauging.

  3. wow ...$85 is steep.


    In comparison my pit tickets in FL were $47.


    Concert prices are going up though. My father just paid $200+ a piece to see Elton John.

    On the other side of the spectrum, I saw Kurt Vile for $12, and Ty Segall for $10 a year ago. Not all shows are super expensive.

  4. Yeah, Spoon is another one I thought of.


    Tallest Man has a new album coming out too, so he would have been great.


    Also I laugh at the idea that Mac Demarco, Parquet Courts, etc are "regulars" on the tour circuit. It's obvious you don't live in South Florida.

  5. Real Estate are a very mellow act. Perfect Sunday driving music. I recommend the album Days..I think it's probably their best overall.


    Mac DeMarco  should be on everyones radar, his recent album Salad Days is great, however his real breakthrough and still his best album is "2". He's has kind of a loser/slacker mentality that plays off his very charming lo fi pop songs. I'm surprised more folks here don't listen to him.


    Parquet Courts is awesome, but they may not appeal to everyone. Their first breakthrough album Light Up Gold, is more on the 80s goofy SoCal punk side (think Decendents) , but still has some 70s post/garage type moments. Sunbathing Animal and Content Nausea (both came out last year)..also have their speed punk moments..but the songs are more developed and the songwriting has improved dramatically. Think Television, Wire, Modern Lovers, etc...




    Here is Pretty Machines off of Content Nausea...probably one of my favorite songs by them.

  6. Here are my thoughts.


    First of all...of COURSE this appeals to middle age white people...were you not at the last Solid Sound? This fest aims to please Wilco fans, who happen to be mostly middle age white people. So I don't get the complaint here. If you want to go see a bunch of EDM, or National Rock/Pop acts, there are plenty of other festivals for that kind of stuff.


    So regarding the line up...I think they have done another great job of diversifying the line up. This isn't a "jam band" festival in the slightest. It offers a little bit of each genre, by artists that are up and coming or just breaking through, or are considered legends or critic favorites.


    My highlights

    Parquet Courts - One of the best 70s revival post punk bands currently around. Their last three records have been excellent, and they are easily one of the better punk bands to surface in quite some time. Everything the Strokes should have been.

    Mac Demarco - A great singer songwriter known for not taking himself or his music that seriously. This will be a very silly and umpredictable part of the fest. Curious if he will be playing the large stage. I think his antics would probably best for the courtyard stage.

    Real Estate - Beautiful surf/pop melodies, should make for a relaxing and enjoyable set.

    Ryley Walker - an up an comer that's still finding his footing, his newest album mixes Nick Drake type vocals, with Improv Jazz style backing band.

    William Tyler- incredible instrumental guitar player, that should be really great to see live.


    That being said....I DO feel the festival is missing a big Co-headliner. There is no Yo La Tengo, or Neko Case size acts this year. All of the acts I would consider "medium to large" club acts. Not the type of acts that would play or fill a local theater or ampitheater.


    They are missing another BIG act like Andrew Bird, or She and Him, the Shins, Modest Mouse,  or Sufjan Stevens, would have filled nicely.


    You could defend this by saying Tweedy is really a Co-headliner, as you are really getting Three Wilco sets instead of two. (Considering Jeff will most likely do an acoustic set).


    So overall, I still wish I could go this year, but I'm not quite as upset as I would be, if say Andrew Bird, or The Replacements decided to play.


    Should still be a great weekend for everyone. Some of my favorite acts from last years were acts I had no clue about prior to attending. Which is what makes this fest so good. You know if they are invited, they have to be pretty damned appreciated by the band.

  7. It's a definite.  I'm buying tix in the stand to be up close.  I've done it before and you're basically in the photo pit.  Totally worth the extra cash.http://lineup.sunfest.com/


    In order to buy "stand tickets" do you have to buy tickets for the enitre fest? Meh...I'd rather take my chances with GA. The rest of the line up aint looking too hot. If I wasn't seeng them in St Agustine on Friday, I'd only buy a one day pass.

  8. I think it's pretty obvious that the band is going to take the 27th off and go to Disney World. I mean wouldn't you, they are like right there..


    On April 30th they will be touring America's oldest City and making a wish at the Fountian of Youth. Maybe we'll get lucky and see them take a carriage ride over the bridge of lions.

  9. so it's a 1:30 set. Not bad...but I wonder if the noise from the Lenny Kravitz show will bleed over into the quieter moments of Wilco's set.


    Anyway, I'll probably pass on this, as I don't care about any of the other acts, and I'll be seeing them on Friday.

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