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Posts posted by Moe_Syzlak

  1. Overshadowed last night for obvious reasons, but did anyone see the Cubs' Soto hit an inside-the-park HR? There can't be many catchers that have done that, right? I was watching on a bar TV with no sound, so perhaps they talked about it. Also in that game, Jim edmonds (still weird to be rooting for that guy) had a Willie Mays quality catch. That and Reed Johnson's catch earlier in the season and the Cubs are showing some pretty good outfielding this year.

  2. I'm pretty resigned to the idea that many of these mysteries will never be explained, or at least never resolved to any real satisfaction. I liked the show Alias, also a JJ Abrams creation and that show centered on the prophecies of a Milo Rambaldi. Abrams is on record saying that the Rambaldi prophecies were merely intended as McGuffins. They did eventually resolve the mystery (probably due to the fact that fans demanded closure), but it was entirely unsatisfying and downright silly, IMO. Given that, I have been treating Lost, a far better show BTW, as something I should just enjoy the ride and prepare to not be blown away by a neat and tidy (and satisfying) ending.

  3. Though, to be fair, the studio’s are just as guilty of breathlessly informing us of the movies shocking twist – fucking studio execs….

    You know what movie I always think of with this? Terminator 2! If you watch that movie, you will see that Cameron clearly wanted you to think Ahnold was the bad Terminator and the other guy (the cop) the savior as in the first flick. But the marketing gave it away, letting everyone know Ahnold was the good guy in this one. The scene in the hallway behind the arcade in the mall was to be the big reveal. Woulda been cooler that way, IMO.

  4. Perhaps this belongs in the blasphemy thread, but my favorite Dylan albums are:


    -Postcards Of The Hanging (although the mix I made myself about 15 years ago is better, imo)

    -I'm Not There OST


    Yeah that's right, I like Dylan's music much better when performed by someone else.

  5. The Dark Knight. I generally don't like comic book movies, but I liked the Batman Begins quite a bit and this one looks even better with what appears to be a stellar performance by Heath Ledger. I don't see to many movies in the theatre, but I'll see this. I'll likely see Indiana Jones too, but I'm not expecting much.

  6. If you like Rock N Roll Photography - This is a must!

    Ask if you can see the stuff upstairs.


    Also, this gallery for modern art.

    It actually focuses more on her non-celebrity work, but the Annie Leibowitz exhibition at the Legion of Honor is very cool and I love that museum. Play a round of golf while in Lincoln Park. It's like a poor man's Pebble Beach.

  7. Better with every listen, I sooooooo :wub Cloud Cult. Two Denver dates next month!!!

    Did you go to this last night? I thought it was great, if too short. These guys deserve to be playing better places too. That was my first trip to Larimer Lounge and while it is a cool place, Cloud Cult's big sound deserves a proper theatre.


    Also, I'm getting too old for shows that START at midnight.

  8. I think there are going to be a lot of casualties in the finale. They seemed to be using music to foreshadow. Did anyone notice that? Or maybe another red herring?


    I remember an interview with the producers saying the hardest part of condensing the story line due to the strike was the fact that they had geography to cover with the characters. How do they get everyone to where they need to be on the island in a timeframe that still seems realistic. I can see how that might present a problem and perhaps that was why they decided to make the finale two hours.


    Nitpick: If we are to believe that Paik is the multinational powerhouse corporation they have made it out to be, that must have been one hell of a settlement Sun got. Like multi-billions settlements.

  9. That documentary (if it's the same one) includes the single most disgusting/awesome thing I've ever seen.

    Hated (or something like that)? That was directed by the dude who directed Old School. Phish, after seeing Hated, also hired him to direct their doc Bittersweet Motel.

  10. Any recommendations for a dicks picks? What are your favorites and why? I only have 8 and am looking to grab some more.



    Is the so many roads box set worth picking up? for some reason I remember people have complaints with it.

    12, 14, 19*, 28, 31... Can you tell what my favorite era is for the GD?


    * my personal fave!


    So Many Roads is great, IMO. It is a terrific compilation of great versions of great tunes from throughout the years. I think the complaints stem from the fact that no compilation will ever satisfy everyone (e.g. I can't believe they picked THAT version over MY favorite!). Also, Deadheads notoriously don't like compilations in general, preferring full shows (tuning breaks and all). If you don't have a problem with compilation I say SMRs is worth it.

  11. Most aftermarket car stereos have aux inputs now, some in the front. If you buy a new car stereo have them install a connector hanging out of it when it is installed. Shouldn't cost you anything extra (other than the cost of the connector). If you already have an aftermarket stereo installed, it shouldn't be TOO difficult to get back there and install one yourself. I don't have any experience with OEM stereos. It really is worth it.

  12. Itunes is what really burns me up. I hate that program.

    What do you hate about it? I really think it's great. I use it as my main music component. I have my 620 artists and 1723 albums all nicely organized so I can get to them easily whenever I want and I have tons of playlists for every mood. I have it connected digitally to my stereo and use my HDTV and wireless mouse as the interface. Works great, sounds great!

  13. Has anyone here discussed how Ben and Locke's mother(s) have the same name, so perhaps they're half-brothers? The show is so careful about not doubling up on things unless they're significant (like having two con men characters,) so to use the name Emily twice is probably a signal that it's the same person.


    Here's what i think (adding to what I posted above with regard to finding the Dalai Lama):


    Alpert was searching for the reincarnation of SOMEONE (Jacob?) or at least a "chosen one" and was using the tulku method. I'm sure we will find out he had some limited information (mother's name, born premature, perhaps American - are Ben and Locke the same age?). When Locke (for whatever reason) blew the test and chose the knife), Alpert moved on and mistakenly thought Ben was the one he was looking for. Eventually the island brought Locke (the real chosen one) to the island.


    BTW kimcatch22, I was at the Cubs' 10Kth win! It was a great game!

  14. i dont get the deal with locke's knife near the beginning when he's talking to alpert. is the point that everything in his life is predetermined, so he just can sense that at one point he'll own all those things? or that it has already happened and this is about the time traveling properties of the island?

    I thought this was clearly a test similar to how the reincarnated Dalai Lama is found. From Wikipedia:


    The title "Dalai Lama" is presently granted to each of the spiritual leader's successive incarnations (for example, the 14th Dalai Lama's next incarnation will hold the title "the 15th Dalai Lama").


    In the Himalayan tradition, phowa (Tibetan) is the discipline that transfers the mindstream to the intended body.


    Upon the death of the Dalai Lama and consultation with the Nechung Oracle, a search for the Lama's reincarnation, or yangsi (yang srid), is conducted. Fa
    miliarity with the possessions or attributes of the previous Dalai Lama is considered the main sign of the tulku.
    The search for the reincarnated mindstream typically requires a number of years. The reincarnated being is then installed and trained by the other Lamas.


    I think Locke knew what he was supposed to take, but wanted the knife. I'm not sure if Alpert's reaction was because he was disappointed that Locke was not who he was looking for or because he knew Locke didn't cooperate and choose the item he knew had belonged to him.

  15. Hopefully this is my last question. Does anyone have a Mac with the Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse? Mine comes unpaired/disconnected VERY frequently. At the least it is annoying t have the warning graphic flash on screen, but it reconnects fairly quickly. At worst, a few times per day, the Mac needs to be restarted to regain the connection. The Apple Support folks say that is not normal and I should take the MIni back, but before I do I'm hoping to find a quicker fix as I have already spent a LOT of time configuring and moving files.

  16. First post from the Mac Mini.


    This is gonna take some getting used to. One thing that is perplexing me is the monitor connection. I have it hooked up as I did my Dell PC previously. That is, through the PC (VGA) input on my DLP HDTV. The color is very yellow. Does anyone know what could be causing that?


    ETA: Also, I like to view windows in full screen. Is there an easy way to expand screens (iTunes, Safari, Mail, etc.) to be full screen? Do I have expand them each time by dragging out the lower right hand corner?

  17. I recently retired my 2001 Dell laptop for a Mac laptop, for personal use. I don't plan to go back to a pc, ever. Apple provides good info about getting your files onto your new Mac. Here is some introductory info: http://www.apple.com/getamac/movetomac/

    The "Genius Bar" wants to charge $100 to move my files for me. I don't think I need that, do I? Moving most files seems straightforward enough. I realize that there are programs I have on my PC that won't come with me to the Mac (Band In A Box, for example), too. But I have ton of Web sites bookmarked in IE on my PC. Is there an easy way to migrate those? I couldn't find anything at the site linked above.

  18. The score was truly unsettling and I thought worked well in the beginning. Plainview's character was played brilliantly by Lewis, who almost convinced me into feeling sorry for the ruthless "Oilman".


    Not a great movie, but a damn good one.

    See I thought it worked well in the "silent" beginning as well... until I realized that it shouldn't have been (IMHO) unsettling at that point. My feeling is that at that point we are supposed to see a man driven to succeed, working hard, toiling away, even adopting the son of a fallen co-worker. I don't THINK we are supposed to see a man ALREADY ruthless, just a man driven to succeed living the American Dream. The unsettling music made me feel SOMETHING else was at play. I dunno, maybe I missed that something else and someone can enlighten me.

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