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Posts posted by Moe_Syzlak

  1. I think this is a good idea and I look forward to seeing it, but i over-think these things WAAAYYY too much so it takes me forever.



    This is too hard. What constitutes my favorite albums. Many that I would think to put on the list are albums I rarely spin anymore, ya know. Do I put Axis: Bold As Love on the list as I was obsessed with it for a good part of my youth or do I leave it off because there are 20 albums that are more "go to" for me these days? This is putting a serious crimp in my productivity today. :P



    ummm, yeah,,,,,...don't overthink it, gang....


    Ummmm, yeah indeed. :P

  2. I think it might bring in SOME Hillary supporters (I think most will get on the Obama bandwagon soon enough anyway), it would do FAR MORE, imo, to mobilize the opposition to get out and vote for McCain. While support for McCain on the right is luke warm, hatred for Hillary is scalding hot.

  3. Also, what's the deal with John McCain's war on beer. I can't watch that video at work. Isn't his wife a beer heiress?

    It was just a slip of the tongue (albeit a funny one) where he meant to say "bill with earmarks" and combined the "b" of bill with the "ear" of earmarks to say "veto any 'beer' (or is it b-ear?)."

  4. 13 years ago this week - the beginning of Summer "Space Camp". Arguably one of the most improvisational tours in the history of rock and roll. At the time it was fairly controversial - many had a tough time dealing with the length and scope of the jams, but the band was playing with a lot of confidence and it seemed to be a natural progression from what had taken place in '94. One thing's for sure - Phish never was any farther out than they were on this tour. Where else to go after this?


    6/10/95 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison CO


    I: Makisupa Policeman > Llama, Prince Caspian, It's Ice, Free, Rift, YEM > Hold Your Head Up > Lonesome Cowboy Bill > Hold Your Head Up, Suzy Greenberg


    II: Maze, Fee, Uncle Pen, Mike's song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove, Amazing Grace, Sample In a Jar


    E: A Day in the Life*


    * first performance of ADITL. YEM segued into a HYHU vocal jam. The Mike's Groove clocks in at over 32 minutes.

    I was fortunate enough to see every note Phish played at Red Rocks (every note Trey played too!). Their '93 debut at the venue was, for me, when the band really took the "next step." I had been seeing them for years at that point, but you could really feel they were turning the corner. I drove up from Crested Butte where I was living at the time of these '94 Red Rocks shows. This one was great, but of course is overshadowed by one of their all-time greatest performances the following night.



    D'oh! I misread the date. I thought this was 6/10/94. Never mind. This was good too, but the previous two years' shows were better. :P

  5. Thanks for the response. I looked through the thread before posting but must have overlooked your earlier post. If they are doing multiple stages, it really sucks that they haven't announced a schedule. I'd like to make a determination on whether I should plunk down the cash and make the trip to SF, but I don;t want to if a bunch of the artists I want to see overlap. ACL Fest has announced their schedule and that fest is laster in the year.

  6. I'm considering heading to SF for this festival. The line-up is just the best of the summer for me. But I am already going to quite a few for various reasons (Telluride Bluegrass, Northwest String Summit, Austin City Limits Fest, RockyGrass, Folks Festival) so I'm really on the fence. I know this is the first year of Outside Lands, but does anyone know what this will be like? Is it just one stage with the bands one after the other with a short break in between (I'm assuming yes, because they have not released any sort of schedule like ACL has)? If so, I'm worried that I will end up being disappointed as I will be too far from the stage to really enjoy. I am not one who likes to fight my way to the front at shows like this. That's what I like about ACL. With all the different stages, you can catch a lot of music and only the main stage feels huge. Thoughts? I'm wary of shelling out so much cash for yet another festival not knowing the scoop.

  7. Just as ironic as the Democrats proclaiming themselves to be the heirs of Jefferson.

    You'll get no argument from me there.As I said earlier, I think both labels -- conservative and liberal -- as worn by the major parties are laughable. The whole thing is a just a big us vs them which is why I said earlier in the week that less divisiveness is a big thing for me. Neither side has a monopoly on good ideas, but in this us vs them culture, it seems we'd rather fail as a country than have our "rivals" succeed.

  8. that's pretty much it. it really doesn't exist in washington anymore, certainly not in the republican party. but it could see a comeback if an Obama administration doesn't deliver and a decent conservative candidate emerges. currently there are no such candidates on my radar that have any passion to do so.

    Okay given that, I assume you would NOT be a fan of Lincoln Republicanism then? I'm glad you recognize that the GOP is NOT conservative. I find it ironic that a lot of folks in the GOP point to "the party of Lincoln" as a badge of honor when I would argue the GOP resembles Lincoln's ideals far less than, say, Obama.

  9. Hey resident conservatives,


    How do you define "conservative" anymore? I would probably most closely align myself with Lincoln's brand of republicanism, but most would call me "liberal" as a result.... although I don't really know what "liberal" means anymore either.

  10. From the DNC:


    "The DNC and the Obama Campaign are unified and working together to elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. Our presumptive nominee has pledged not to take donations from Washington lobbyists and from today going forward the DNC makes that pledge as well," said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. "Senator Obama has promised to change the way things are done in Washington and this step is a sure sign of his commitment. The American people's priorities will set the agenda in an Obama Administration, not the special interests."

  11. #10 - 5/7/94 - the uber Tweezer - segues in and out of a number of tunes.

    Isn't that 18? I like 10 too though:Live Phish, Vol. 10 - 6.22.94 Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Columbus, OH.


    I don't know if you are specifically looking for Live Phish releases, but don't forget these other live releases:


    Live At Madison Square Garden New Year's Eve 1995

    Vegas 96


    and Colorado '88 is fun too for some historical perspective. Also, not my favorite era for Phish, but the Island Tour is a fan favorite.

  12. Once again, my friend, I don't think you understood or understand my original point. Perhaps an information gap on your part which you seem reluctant to fill. But let's not derail this any further,. you can continue to think of me as a war-monger that gets all of his information from Limbaugh if it makes you feel better.


    For a point of agreement, I do agree that uneducated voters are a huge problem. One of my favorite quotes:


    "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

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